Every time I play some kind of sandbox game, I find myself coming up with lots of great ideas. Absolutely adore when a game gives you the tools to craft your own story that way.


I think it depends on how the data is being developed and used - if the emerging versions are kind of a sandbox with frequent edits, it would be good to keep separate. If it’s more of just a status indicator, then keeping together and differentiating via attribute field makes more sense


I love the concept of a Monster Hunter campaign. Go interesting places, hunt down cool dangerous monsters, harvest bits, turn bits into cool equipment/sell them. I ran it as a mini arc and included an airship-homebase system. It was a perfect combat heavy emergent gameplay sandbox engine


I mean, this is because at the end of the day, Warhammer 40,000 is a setting: Gathering Storm was such a Big Deal precisely because it introduced a metaplot, but even so, it's still a sandbox for Your Guys to fight wars. More like Faerûn than the Galactic Empire and New Republic.


I feel like he is succeeding in that he's got his stupid little suckup sandbox he wanted and is still able to do his manipulations, money doesn't mean anything to him. but at least he didn't make his shitty social fiefdom super successful somehow


It's a neat sandbox, knock wood I find a project I can use to play in this format.


“You would hope that there might be some balancing act, or that everybody could play nice in the sandbox, and come up with solutions that benefit all. But that’s not really how business is done.”

Inside the $621 Million Legal Battle for the 'Soul of the Internet'
Inside the $621 Million Legal Battle for the 'Soul of the Internet'

Major record labels have sued the Internet Archive for $621 million over thousands of old recordings, raising the question: Who owns the past?


I don't know why Bethesda bothers pretending their games have decent writing when they could just go all in on being a fun simulator sandbox. The narrative really just holds their games back nowadays I feel like. Not excited for TES6


"ele nao passou mais de um ano em cada time" Corta pra ele passando 3 anos na SANDBOX. Num fucking time da LCK