If you’re not sold on scRNAseq, this is my favorite analogy on why measuring average properties of diverse samples can be misleading. What are the average properties of an animal at a zoo, and what would that actually tell you about that zoo? Bulk transcription of blood is kinda like this.

Cartoon showing "population" on the left: a group of horses, rhinos, and swans; and "population average" on the right: a unicorn (horn of a rhino, body of a horse, wings of a swan)

The preprint has detailed methods & metrics of equivalence; please dive in! We’d love your thoughts. This is only helpful if people use it! We think it lowers the barrier to embedding scRNAseq in large RCTs, and at underresourced settings (with resourced partners… scRNAseq is still $$$).

Dotplots of gene expression (scRNAseq) & cell surface protein expression (CITE-Seq) for each major immune cell substate, generated by standard Ficoll vs new Cryo-PRO sample prep method
Correlation plots demonstrating substantial equivalence in cell type & substate abundances as measured by standard Ficoll vs new Cryo-PRO sample prep methods.

Beyond QC metrics, we independently clustered scRNAseq data obtained from 32 samples from 23 pts with our new method (“Cryo-PRO”: CRYOpreservation w Pbmc Recovery Offsite) vs Ficoll, then projected onto the same UMAP axes. Cryo-PRO data alone found all cell types & states, in comparable abundances.

UMAPs generated from the standard Ficoll method vs the new Cryo-PRO method of on-site clinical sample prep for 32 patients with sepsis, showing similar cell type & substate distributions. Data from each method was generated & analyzed (clustered) entirely separately, then projected onto a shared set of axes for visual comparison.

Using the “old way” for scRNAseq, we previously found a new transcriptional substate of monocytes enriched in sepsis. But we could only recruit at high-resourced academic medical centers. The ability to do scRNAseq with minimal work will enable this method to be applied anywhere with a -80 freezer.

An immune-cell signature of bacterial sepsis - Nature Medicine
An immune-cell signature of bacterial sepsis - Nature Medicine

Single-cell transcriptomic analysis identifies a distinct gene signature associated with peripheral monocyte populations that distinguishes people with sepsis from those with sterile inflammation and ...


We piloted this in sepsis, to show a big advantage of the time-savings in ID: you can’t plan when a patient w sepsis will seek care, so to study it w scRNAseq, you need CRCs on call any time day or night, ready to do 2+ hrs of work for each pt. (We did this for COVID! But it’s hard.) Now? <15 min.


The post-thaw process involves magnetic depletion of RBCs, then FACS to isolate PBMCs (this step we normally do post-Ficoll too), then standard 10x LC & Seq. Standard QC metrics (% viable, genes/cell, UMIs/cell) look very similar to Ficoll, as do CITE-Seq metrics.

Fig 2c-d from preprint, showing very similar scRNAseq QC metrics between the standard Ficoll method & the new Cryo-PRO method for on-site sample prep.

Turns out if you just add DMSO to 1-2 mL of whole blood & freeze immediately, it takes a few minutes (compared with >2 hrs for a Ficoll prep), and we worked out a post-thaw protocol that gets equivalent scRNA-seq data from immune cells (PBMCs), & can be run in batch at a centralized facility.

Schematic of a on-site CRYOpreservation method followed by Pbmc Recovery Offsite (Cryo-PRO), compared with the standard Ficoll method, for preparing clinical blood samples for scRNAseq

🧵 on a new preprint from my lab! scRNAseq has changed the way we view heterogeneity in the immune system. But in clinical settings, it’s really hard to do: processing blood for scRNAseq takes 2 hrs + expertise & equipment that clinical research staff often lack. We found an easier way!

Cryo-PRO facilitates whole blood cryopreservation for single-cell RNA sequencing of immune cells from clinical samples
Cryo-PRO facilitates whole blood cryopreservation for single-cell RNA sequencing of immune cells from clinical samples

medRxiv - The Preprint Server for Health Sciences


They may not come up well in single cell rnaseq data because they’re full of RNAses that chew up transcript within the droplets… there’s been some success with mouse tissues seeing eos on scRNAseq but very little in human and it takes lots of supplemental RNAse inhibitors.


Unlocking disease associations during prefrontal cortex development with scRNAseq #singlecell