Tech CEO's when their pay is reduced to 100 measly scraps of food that is barely enough to live (they only get 100x what the minor miners they "employ" get)


Happy #WorldAnimalDay! QRT with your animal art! Just starting: a dog made of scrap pine


Days. Days on the trail of the man with the crow’s feather in his hair. Two days she’d gone without sleep, one since her canteen had run dry. All that had been left for her were smoldering remains of campfires and the scraps of meals. One foot dragged behind her as she walked, walked, kept —


i live for the few scraps of dopamine i can scavenge and even those are so few and far between


You are correct that we repudiate the democrats. That is called pressure, something you, yourself said we should be doing. Applying political pressure does not consist of accepting whatever scraps are thrown your way and then insisting that anything better is impossible. That’s the exact opposite.


He's like if you blew up a balloon too big and it popped, and he's like, the resulting rubber scraps. or like a really old crunchy rubber band that can't stretch very far. He still has that burning absolute hatred for Azmuth-


Oct 4 How often have I knelt here before? Picking some crime scene’s carcass for whatever scraps the local PD couldn’t bother to nab. Hardly any meat on this bone. Just some old chalk from the cops. Typical. Then I see it: candy corn. Heady stuff. Worth checking out. #TibbyTime


It's so weird that so many Black men are auditioning for overseer roles. Or maybe it isn't. There have always been a few willing to sell the rest of us into bondage for a few scraps.


The purpose of the democrat party is to keep the mob from revolting by tossing the people scraps and platitudes while the republicans regroup and prepare for the next stage of fascist control...


Loogie gets hooked on pro-wrestling from watching old VHS tapes in a post-apocalyptic world. So what does she do? Builds her own wrestling ring out of scraps, of course! Now, she forces people into matches. Because who needs social skills when you’ve got a suplex?

Loogie #1 - Junkyard Hijinks
Loogie #1 - Junkyard Hijinks

A post-apocalyptic, cheesecake battle shonen packed with 48 pages of wasteland wrestling and unlikely friendships!