don't believe me? here's a case i was in just a couple nights ago! there were a lot of interesting characters that night...

another screenshot edit of Summit Court, this time with a witness, a prosecutor with a cilent & co-counsel, and a defense attorney who also have a co-counsel. their cilent is the one at the witness stand
a closeup of the prosecutor's side, starring scott pilgrim, luigi, and a blue protogen. the protogen is the prosecutor, luigi is the co-council, and scott is the client who is bored out of his mind

She's going full tilt, sweaty forehead, tongue fully out the side of her mouth as she attempts a Grand Master Stew


Ok, but the side I'm assuming that you're advocating has no meaningful plans for what to do with a slim majority when they're given one. The last time they were given a supermajority they chose to waste it by not codifying Roe and giving us a Republican healthcare plan.


unable to talk much or exert too much energy but I got side order as a treat and it's been so fun!!! My last run was pretty neat 🎮


It just kept getting worse and worse, and without big numbers on your side to get seen you're basically screwed. SO glad that's not the case here.


The progress of my #Twitch panels! I’m not too sure if I wanna outline/3D some of the features but atm I’m loving them 🤍 I feel like something needs to go on the other side of the wings but I’m not too sure what 🪽


On account of being one of the few distractions I have from the pain and inspiring me, I am going to post one my favorite pic of me ever, which is NSFW and has in the past been tagged as sexual, but is definitely artistic nudity. Photoedit also mine

Curse topless, wearing a cage choker, a metal-shielded USB cable coiled around the neck, and a heavy duty chain with the Quake logo in steel as a pendant. The pendant hangs between its breasts. Glitchy distortion devours every edge, the room beyond its well-lit body is cloaked in void static, and a soft-focus halo frames the lit side of its head.

im so unwell rn .

to my dear historia,
as i write this reiner's standing by my side, he knows this is a love letter but he's still sneaking peeks. honestly, it's no wonder that the creep's still single.
that said, he did give me his word that he would deliver this letter to you. he says he owes me for the time i doubled back to save him. i'm sorry about that. i never would of imagined myself choosing those two over you...
i'm going to die soon, but i'll die without regrets. or that's what i'd like to say. the truth is, i do have one.
"it's that i never got to marry you."
- with love, ymir

🙋 Mine is from sinus pain, though. Really want to plunge the right side of my face in ice water but we don’t have enough ice cubes