"It’s not enough to ‘punish Labor’: We need to build a real alternative" #SocialistAlliance#SmashTheDuopoly


"Between 1998 and 2022, successive federal governments granted environmental approval for major projects owned by companies that made a total of $54.8m in political donations to the LNP and Labor" #LibLab#SmashTheDuopoly#auspol

Give, and thou shalt receive. Million dollar links between donors and environmental approvals - Michael West
Give, and thou shalt receive. Million dollar links between donors and environmental approvals - Michael West

The link between fossil fuel companies' large political donations and their projects receiving environmental approvals is no coincidence.


Because Labor are more aligned with the Coalition than the Greens. It suits their donors way more. #LibLab#SmashTheDuopoly


Here we go, another piece on how it's a "bad look" for a Greens MP to attend the CFMEU rally. They never conceal their disdain for the Greens #TheFourthEstateBoughtAndSold#SmashTheDuopoly

How Greens MP’s moment of madness undid years of grind
How Greens MP’s moment of madness undid years of grind

It looked more like a political performance by the party’s showman, than a dignified call for support for those upstanding members.