It’s already the end of September and we’re on our fourth Spooky Thread of the year. This week’s theme is cursed and haunted objects. Got a spooky story to tell? Share it in the comments! Artists, authors, and other creators, post your links below! #spookythread#horrorlit#horrorart#spookyseason

A dark background with the face of a statue, superimposed with two dolls, one old fashioned regular doll, and a clown doll, both only visible as red outlines.
The text says:
Spooky Thread Episode 4: Did that just move?
Let’s shine a light into the dark and highlight some more awesome horror creators!
Creators, writers, artists, tell us about your work and leave a link.
Not a creator, but still got a spooky story to tell? Go for it! The Spooky Thread is open to all fans of horror.
Share your experiences or gush about your favorite haunted objects in books, movies etc.

It’s #spookythread#books#art fit? Then it probably does! Everyone: if you have a recommendation, or a creepy story to tell, please chime in!

Announcement for Spooky Thread Episode Three: Every Thread You Make

In the background a figure in a black hood, with a blue underwater-esque background and the symbol of an eye.

"The weather is getting colder and our threads are getting spookier.  Let’s shine a light into the dark and highlight some more awesome horror creators. This week’s theme is everything uncanny, but pssst! 

You never know what might be watching from the dark!"

Spooky Thread is on Instagram, too. Find it under @wordslikepromises!

Spooky Thread Witch Edition is now live! It's open all week, so respond whenever you see it. I’ll do my best to reply and boost your posts! Don’t have anything witchy? Recommend your favs, tell us a spooky story, show off your fan art. Most importantly: Have fun and keep it fun! #spookythread

A witch themed graphic titled Thread of the Witch.
Something witchy this way—Err, the Spooky Thread is all about witches this week, so writers, artists & other creators, hit us with the pointiest hats, the most dangerous spells, the bubbliest potions. Show off what you are working on and post your links below! Fans, name your favorite book witch, or tell us what sort of spell you’d want to learn.

Beneath a bubbling cauldron, it also says that Spooky Thread is also on Instagram and can be found under @wordslikepromises

Hi all, Looking for all things witchy for this week's spooky thread. Whether you're writing the next Granny Weatherwax, making fashionable witch hats or draw the spookiest cauldrons, be sure to drop by on Saturday and tell us about it! #spookythread#witches#writingcommunity#artists

A cat in a witch hat is asking for submissions to Saturday's witch-themed spooky thread. Creators should share their links, and fans can discover new witchy stuff to love. DM or contact me on Instagram (@wordslikepromises) to be featured in a Spotlight post.

Well, alright! I'm DJW and I'm working on my cosmic horror/accidental romance called Descendant and I've got all sorts of fun undead creatures, mostly vampires, though. I do have wraiths and ghosts and not zombies, but more like...the void-esque style monsters. #spookythread


Time for the first Spooky Thread! Creators, show off your vampires, ghouls, zombies and necromancers. Books, art, games, whatever awesome thing you make, tell us about it below! Everyone: recommend your favorite creators, the hottest vampire, the most powerful necromancer. Let's go! #spookythread

A painted skeleton in front of a photo of a graveyard. White text declares it to be the first episode of the Spooky Thread: Week of the Living Thread, encouraging creators to post their work related to the undead theme, and fans to chime in with their recommendations. Spooky thread is also on Instagram under @wordslikepromises.