I got you covered.

The bottom layer of a dark chocolate layer cake. It has dark chocolate mousse spread on top of the layer.
A dark chocolate cake with all theee layers stacked in place. There is dark chocolate mouse between the layers.
A completed dark chocolate layer cake. It is covered in dark chocolate ganache over a layer of dark chocolate mousse. The mousse is not visible.

Every night I build a monument to us.

One of four similar but unique meticulously stacked dish drainers from different days.

It’s a whole process 😅 For each panel I do a series of (relatively) short exposures where the stars don’t have noticeable trailing and then use dedicated software to stack the sky and foreground separately Then I stitch together the roughly twenty stacked image panels to make the final panorama


My memory of the emotional story with Gosling and Foy was so strong that I had forgotten how stacked this cast is. #HATM#FirstMan


Devil Postpile. From the bottom up and the top down. I’ve always wanted to experience this. Pursue your adventures when & where you can.

A view looking southeast upwards at Devil Postpile. There are multiple columns of hexagon basalt columns with a large boulder field in the foreground. The sky is mixed clear and cloudy.

From Wikipedia:

The Postpile's columns average 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter ("The columns vary in size from ten to 30 inches in diameter."[3]), the largest being 3.5 feet (1.1 m), and many are up to 60 feet (18 m) long.
Together they look like tall posts stacked in a pile, hence the feature's name. If the lava had cooled perfectly evenly, all of the columns would be expected to be hexagonal, but some of the columns have different polygonal cross-sections due to variations in cooling.
A view looking from the top of Devil Postpile. There are multiple columns of hexagon basalt columns that are flat. There are two short pine trees in the immediate foreground and a conifer forest covered granite hill on the background with a mostly blue sky.

From Wikipedia:

The Postpile's columns average 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter ("The columns vary in size from ten to 30 inches in diameter."[3]), the largest being 3.5 feet (1.1 m), and many are up to 60 feet (18 m) long.
Together they look like tall posts stacked in a pile, hence the feature's name. If the lava had cooled perfectly evenly, all of the columns would be expected to be hexagonal, but some of the columns have different polygonal cross-sections due to variations in cooling.

Ooh, I also submitted What the Car (but not Any%). Fingers crossed you get in, cause that's a stacked list of games!


I have a strong desire to eat these like a stack of pancakes.

Five molasses cookies stacked on top of each other

Let’s continue this top shelf Friday on Sunday trend with a recent pick up of Batman #440 which is the first part of Lonely place of Dying. Talk about a stacked creative team


"struggling uphill on Twitter" Dude, it's a rigged game. Musk owns the algorithm and Nazis get boosted by buying a checkmark. If you think you can help get your message out on that platform by having better arguments or something you don't understand how the deck has been stacked against you.


It would not be Sargasso without at least one unexplained phenomena occurring. In this case, I think multiple stacked-sector portals do not like sharing elbow room with the sky... On the plus side, this Doom map is more 3 dimensional than ever now.

A screenshot of Doom. Doomguy is looking through a hexagonal-patterned glass floor at the ceiling, looking at the top of the sky. An unexplained black wedge hangs ominously overhead.
A screenshot of Doom. Doomguy is standing in a colourful city, and looking at the menacing geometric hole/glitch in the sky.
A screenshot of Doom. Doomguy is looking down into the plaza of an apartment tower, gazing at the inexplicable black triangle through the ground.