If only I could write with stuff on in the bg. I can do art as long as it’ doesn’t require active attention like subtitles.


I've told a lot of people "I'm bad at watching TV" but I think its hit a new level because I keep putting English subtitles on out of laziness. English and Japanese have inversed sentence structure so I get this weird hit of hearing the start and not committing to one or the other


Well I watched it on Friday extralegally and loved it so much despite the fact that the English subtitles were terrible and at one point switched to another language entirely (when she first meets Hernan), and I'm dying to watch it again with proper subs. So definitely soon!



Wednesday's video on the LGBA Conference is uploaded, just need to sort out the subtitles. I've also recorded Saturday's video, just need to take time to edit that and write/record/edit Sunday's video about a campaign in India to end conversion practices.


Aaah, Dexter is great, I saw it all years ago though! 1670 looks... interesting..! I might give it a try with subtitles (dubs never quite work properly), thanks 🙂


BTW turn on subtitles for this one


if you want an example of what kind of solidarity and sacrifice a real revolution entails, this documentary about the 2014 Revolution of Dignity is excellent. This film is a huge part of why I've invested so much emotion in Ukraine. English subtitles. ⚠️Graphic violence⚠️


If you laugh when racists lose their jobs for being racist, yeah. As for what the consequences should be, racists and fascists should have been laughed out of polite society since the 1920s, so this is too little too late, but still welcome.

Tweet from Helen Andrews
@herandrews. Oct 10

My review of Ta-Nehisi Coates's new book:

Why Ta-Nehisi Coates Hates Israel

Ta-Nehisi Coates with a wry, amused and surprised look on his face, with subtitles reading:
Wow, that was really racist
Helen Andrews

@herandrews. 5h

I was informed last week that this print issue of The American Conservative would be my final one as editor. What an issue to go out on:

• Peter Hitchens on Keir Starmer

• Christopher Caldwell on Jackson Lears

• Scott McConnell on the election

• Jim Antle on splits in the

Show more

The real reason Israel bothers Coates so much is something he waits until the very end of the book to confess:

Israel felt like an alternative history, one where all our [Marcus] Garvey dreams were made manifest. There, 'Up Ye Mighty Race' was the creed. There, 'Redemption Song' is the national anthem. There, the red, black, and green billowed over schools, embassies, and the columns of great armies. There, Martin Delaney is a hero and February 21 is a day of

mourning. That was the dream-the mythic Africa... What I saw in the City of David was so

familiar to me the search for self in an epic, mythic past filled with kings.

There you have it. The problem with Israel is that it shames him. How can it be that the Jews carved their Israel out of the desert, and yet no place in Africa, least of all Liberia, remotely resembles Wakanda?

Patrick Willems has a good video essay on language/ subtitles in Red October

The Hunt For Red October - Learning to Love the Soviets
The Hunt For Red October - Learning to Love the Soviets

YouTube video by Patrick (H) Willems