look what you made me do (superfund site designation BR549)


The Onondagas say the land was transferred by Honeywell International on Friday under a federal Superfund settlement related to the contamination of the environ…


The next time I hear about a toxic fandom, it better be about a bunch of superfund site stans or a poison hive.


In retrospect, it shouldn’t have been shocking. The cost of fragmented communities, shuttered businesses, inadequate (or no) insurance payouts, toxicity from superfund site flooding, mental health impacts…. The list of why this is true is exhaustive; and obvious once you think about it!


Child of an EPA superfund dad. This is such my pet peeve. All these people could be making double in the private sector, but work hard because they believe in it


Army's technical summary of the status of the Superfund sites: - Is the remedy functioning as intended? No. - Are the exposure & toxicity assumptions still valid? No. - Is there new information that causes issues for the clean-up? Yes. One of the tenants started dumping toxic waste into the sewer.

Technical Assessment
5.1. Question A: Is the remedy functioning as intended by the decision
At the AMD and TRW sites, the remedy is not working as intended. Components of the selected
remedy are either no longer in place or operational. The groundwater extraction and treatment
system at the AMD Site is not in use nor operational and at the TRW Site the system is no
longer in place. Nevertheless, the groundwater extraction and treatment remedies (while still in
operation) and the addition of in-situ bioremediation treatability studies at the AMD and TRW
Sites have resulted in substantial decreases in concentrations of chemical contaminants since
the remedy began operations. Continued in-situ bioremediation efforts, combined with the
institutional controls currently being implemented at the AMD and TRW Sites, and the
mitigation measures in place at the TRW Site, are providing protectiveness.
The selected remedy for the Offsite OU is currently in operation but is not fully func
Question C: Has Any Other Information Come to Light That Could Call Into
Question the Protectiveness of the Remedy?
Yes, there is new information that calls into question the protectiveness of the remedy: the
water discharge from a sump-pump in the basement of the building located at 440 North Wolfe
Rd. (Signetics Site) was diverted from the treatment system and currently is being discharged
untreated into the sanitary sewer system. Up until 2020, the responsible party was treating the
water prior to discharging it to the Sunnyvale East Drainage Channel under a NPDES permit. In
December 2020, the responsible party removed the 440S sump-pump discharge from the
treatment system influent and diverted it to the sanitary sewer system (Locus, 2021d).
Compliance with the City of Sunnyvale limits for discharge of untreated water into the sanitary
sewer is required as well as monitoring on an ongoing basis.

The 5 Year Reports are written by US Army Corps of Engineers & they usually have more backbone then US EPA. US Army included my concerns about "tenants in commercial buildings with existing vapor intrusion mitigation systems that have failed to maintain or damaged the systems."

4.1.2. Site Interviews
During the Five-Year Review process, site questionnaires were distributed to various
stakeholders and community members to document any perceived problems or successes with
the remedy that has been implemented. Jennifer Garnett, City of Sunnyvale Communications
Officer, Brant Burns, Director of Facilities & Operations for Sunnyvale School District, Lenny
Siegel, Executive Director of the Center for Public Environmental Oversight and Community
Member Ashley Gjovik were interviewed. The results of these interviews are summarized
Sixth Five-Year Review for AMD 901/902andTRW Superfund Sites and the Offsite OU 37
Overall, the interviewees felt that there was adequate communication from EPA regarding the
current status of the site and its activities but expressed that additional communications and
updates would be beneficial to all. Suggestions were provided for means of notifying residents
and businesses of the potential for vapor intrusion and for including in

First, US EPA went out of their way to make it sound like I demanded to be able to submit a comment for the report. I kinda did - but it seems like EPA wanted an excuse as to why I was allowed to file a comment. "WE DIDN'T INVITE HER. DON'T HARASS US, APPLE. ITS NOT OUR FAULT."

4. Five-Year Review Process
4.1. Community Notification, Involvement and Site Interviews
4.1.1. Five-Year Review Press Release
A public notice was made available in the Bay Area News Group, a local newspaper, on
February 9, 2024, announcing the Five-Year Review. EPA also issued a press release on February
8, 2024 (
california-superfund-sites-2024), notifying that the Site was undergoing a Five-Year
Review. Copies of the public notice tear sheet and press release are presented in Appendix D.
EPA also placed a notification on the Site website stating
that the Site was undergoing a Five-Year Review. EPA received two responses as a result of
these community notification activities; one from Lenny Siegel, Executive Director of the Center
for Public Environmental Oversight, and another from Ashley Gjovik, a Community Member
inquiring about the Five-Year Review process and req

🧵 I was thinking about how much effort Apple put into smearing my lawsuit this week. They even got Reuters to lie about the nature of the case, omitting env & safety concerns. Then I remembered the TRW 5-Year Report is due. I contacted EPA tonight & they sent me a copy... It's not great for Apple. ⬇️


Every military base is a potential superfund site