A barred spiral galaxy, observed with the Apache Point 2.5m Telescope in the SDSS survey. It is at redshift 0.039 (lookback time 549.7 million years) with coordinates (150.62314, 51.90538). 48 volunteers classified this galaxy in Galaxy Zoo 2.

A barred spiral galaxy from the Galaxy Zoo 2 project, classified by 48 volunteers.

[France] CNC survey of French moviegoers has interesting data. For example, 34.1% of French people go as a couple, 27.2% with family, 21.3% alone(e) and 17.4% with friends or colleagues. [France] CNC survey of French moviegoers has interesting data. For example, …

CNC survey of French moviegoers has interesting data. For example, 34.1% of French people go as a couple, 27.2% with family, 21.3% alone(e) and 17.4% with friends or colleagues.
CNC survey of French moviegoers has interesting data. For example, 34.1% of French people go as a couple, 27.2% with family, 21.3% alone(e) and 17.4% with friends or colleagues.

CNC survey of French moviegoers has interesting data. For example, 34.1% of French people go as a couple, 27.2% with family, 21.3% alone(e) and 17.4% with friends or BOfficeStats


A spiral galaxy, observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the COSMOS survey. It is at redshift 0.72 (lookback time 6.62 billion years) with coordinates (149.85570, 1.70794). 52 volunteers classified this galaxy in Galaxy Zoo: Hubble.

A spiral galaxy from the Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project, classified by 52 volunteers.

I’d love to see the age demographics on those 24%. As this study shows.. ‘They tend to be middle-aged or elderly..’ 18-24 age group are registering 0% in support for Reform. Suspect in 10 years many of the respondents to this survey will have passed away.