Kevin Collins

Co-founder, Survey 160. Loves survey and voter participation. Researcher. Democrat. YIMBY. Husband and Dad. Opinion haver and measurer. Outdoors and cooking enthusiast. He/Him

Pam Davis-Kean, PhD

Director of the Survey Research Center at the Institute for Social Research @ Univ of Michigan. Dev/Quant. Prof. of Psychology. Longitudinal researcher studying SES, parenting, math dev, achievement, and data science. Open science supporter.

Tom Carpenter

You know me from twitter. Data/Social/Survey science. PhD but I pretend I don’t have one now. Reformed academic with a passion for alt-ac

Polarization Research Lab

We are a cross-university research lab (Dartmouth, UPenn, and Stanford) studying partisan animosity. Posts about our RFP for survey time (PASTS) & topical research.

Klaus Pforr

Sociologist at GESIS working with EU-SILC in Research interests: econometrics, survey methodology, sociology of wealth, family sociology, integration/migration, ethnic segregation. Besides all this interested in ttrpg. Typos galore

Raphael Nishimura

Survey methodologist and statistician at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan #survey | #sampling | #statistics | #RStats

British Geological Survey

Our vision is for a safer, more sustainable and prosperous planet and a future based on sound geoscientific solutions 🌎

Prof Michael Meredith

President, Challenger Society for Marine Science Joint Director, UK National Climate Science Partnership Professorial Fellow in Oceanography, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge Science Leader, British Antarctic Survey

The British Election Study

Britain’s oldest social survey. We provide non-partisan and independent data and research on elections in Britain.

Scott St. George

I worry about the land, sea and sky conspiring to conjure up unpleasant surprises. Head of Weather and Climate Research at WTW | Alexander von Humboldt Fellow | Geological Survey of Canada alum | Formerly Prof at UMN | Made in 🇨🇦|