Lecter table ware? arggh. When they begin manufacturing chamber pots for crisis use I'd like to have mine decorated in the bottom with depictions of some political figures. Tegnell the infamous anti public health! public health figure, nazis, Musk and neoliberals I would be happy to see down there.

handpainted pearlware chamber pot from Fort Stanwix National Monument dates to c. 1790-1835. 

The exterior decoration suggests that the chamber pot was stored in a bedroom, while the image of Captain Basil Hall on the interior suggests that the owners were not fond of Captain Basil Hall. The practice of including portraits inside chamber pots became popular during and directly following the Colonial period in America, specifically portraits of kings.

On sattumaa, että Olivia Wigzellin nimittäminen FHM:n pääjohtajaksi ilmoitetaan samana päivänä, kun hallituksen entinen johtava epidemiologi ja nykyinen FHM:n neuvonantaja Anders Tegnell on kaukana Yhdysvalloissa kiistanalaisessa konferenssissa […]


Sveriges Anders Tegnell med Donald Trumps fd pandemirådgivare Scott Atlas på en konferens på årsdagen för undertecknandet av The Great Barrington Declaration.


Thanks. According to that article, Tegnell says he did so thinking that guy was referring to a published article, which turned out not to be the case. Sloppy.


This is a bit more about Tegnell and how he seems to have based some of his logic in handling the pandemic on the video by Ivor Cummings (aka FatEmperor), a person known to be into conspiracy theories (

Tegnell hänvisade till ifrågasatt Youtube-debattör
Tegnell hänvisade till ifrågasatt Youtube-debattör

Statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell har hänvisat till ett av debattören Ivor Cummins Youtube-klipp när han har pratat om Sveriges dödstal kopplat till en mild influensasäsong, skriver DN.


Today, Tegnell, former chief epidemiologist in Sweden during the first years of the pandemic, is speaking at a large far-right conference in the USA. Conference is full of antivaxxers, pandemic denialists, including Scott Atlas. Swedish media is very silent about this and I wonder if FoHM knows.

Column: Stanford throws a party for purveyors of misinformation and disinformation about COVID
Picture: White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Scott Atlas, who advocated a discredited “herd immunity” approach to COVID, speaks as then-President Trump listens during a 2020 news conference at the White House.

It was heinous, and all so that they could profit from it. They brought in Tegnell from Sweden and lobbied hard, which suited Sunak's and Johnson's libertarian beliefs. Meanwhile, most UK public health and epidemiological experts were being dismissed at the level of officials.


The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation elects Tegnell of all people, responsible for the increase in heart disease and strokes, damaged lungs etc... #tegnell


Anders Tegnell who famously referred to vulnerable ppl as "dry tinder". Lovely.


Oh, you mean this one - the one that Anders Tegnell is also speaking at?