It's probably actually because she has two copies of a particular gene that is associated with a strong likelihood to live to 100 years of age. Specifically, the gene is believed to reduce telomere degradation, which is why anything ever dies.


Überbordendes Selbstbewusstsein und langer Atem ist das A und O. Schröder ist auch wieder voll dabei. Von Lafontaine, dem Oskar von SaHra, ganz zu schweigen. Ein Hoch auf solche Telomere.


📃Scientific paper: Physiological effects of PFAS exposure in seabird chicks: A multi-species study of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, body condition and telomere length in South Western France ➡️ Continued on ES/IODE


Maybe raise the retirement age to 75 once we find out Ozempic repairs telomere chains too. Also we'd ban plastic it's all inert glass bottles we are going back to bar fights with knives.


"I'm sorry, Miss greenbeans." 🪼Melmero Fernia According to Melmero, she's the princess from the Dukedom of Porméa. Her self-centered behavior constantly causes trouble for people around her. On top of her head sits Telomere, Cerebral Anima, which appeared six months ago. #CBRabyss#Anime#Glass


The rest of the thread talks better than I could about adaptations like telomere length and tumour suppressors, but all those adaptations come at a cost. One that is probably more acceptable to whales.


5. Short telomeres The telomeres are the bits on the end of your chromosomes that keep it from 'unraveling'. A shorter telomere in long-lived animals would decrease the number of times that cell lineage can duplicate, reducing the accumulated risk at the cost of needing more stem cells.

Mutations, Cancer and the Telomere Length Paradox
Mutations, Cancer and the Telomere Length Paradox

Individuals with short telomeres should be at increased risk for cancer, since short telomeres lead to genomic instability – a hallmark of cancer. However, individuals with long telomeres also display...


SALT FACT of the DAY : We are all dying nucleobase by nucleobase on the long limb of the telomere Follow Goonsmin Bone for my Salt Tip pf the Day


Ja stimmt. Ich habe den englischen Post zusammenfassend verbreiten wollen. Belege gibt es ja im Artikel. Das die Telomere verkürzt werden ist auch schon länger bekannt. Ich dachte so liest es vielleicht der ein oder andere zusätzlich 😉