📸 Lab

Close-up black and white image of a dog resting its head on a soft, textured surface. The dog's eyes are open, gazing to the side with a calm, slightly sad expression. The fur is dark and smooth, and the lighting creates soft highlights on the face and fur, enhancing the dog's contemplative look.

With all seriousness: look at really early PlayStation/N64 models. The kind that have like FOUR visibly-textured polyfaces. Making an intentionally shitty Original PSX Final Fantasy 7 Origin Body VTuber model as a whole-assed joke was an incredibly good way for me to learn How Blender.


That's a gorgeous combo of yarn + textured pattern to show it off!


Some things I've gotten at fabric outlet over the past 20+ years: Red textured vinyl for a giant tongue puppet, Furry fabric for a failed Muppet costume, Glue sticks at the best price, Embroidery thread, Black fabric an colorful trim for my Prophecy TV at project.... The list goes on 😭


T-shirts and stickers coming soon

A digital drawing of a horga'hn next to a distinctive teal-colored mug as seen on DS9. Bright magenta text reads "raktajino powered jamaharon machine." In the background, a grunge-textured circle in sunset colors on a field of black. Watermarked with the URL

got some quality orb contemplating time in last weekend (sun from saturday, moon from pre-dawn sunday)

big flamey and richly textured almost “haiyr” sun in hydrogen alpha wavelength with small prominences on perimeter
nearly-new moon with very thin detailed crescent and earthshine

my fault for like exclusively using textured brushes


I got this tattoo flash idea for a year now and I never thought it would be adopted. Seemed so silly. Reworked the original drawing to be more up to date with my style and tadaaa! ✨🦋 #blackworktattoo#darkmoth#darksurrealism#budapesttattoo

Blackwork tattoo design of a moth creature, tv for body with static screen and arms. Wings are weirdly textured.
Blackwork tattoo design of a moth creature, tv for body with static screen and arms. Wings are weirdly textured.
Blackwork tattoo design of a moth creature, tv for body with static screen and arms. Wings are weirdly textured.
Blackwork tattoo design of a moth creature, tv for body with static screen and arms. Wings are weirdly textured.

This one has fake brick. They taped up a masking grid and applied some sort of textured cement in brick shaped rectangles to make it look like bricks and mortar.