Meh. If Baldwin is in trouble then so are Cruz and Scott if you're just looking at numbers and trajectory.


📃Scientific paper: Individualized multi-horizon MRI trajectory prediction for Alzheimer's Disease ➡️ Continued on ES/IODE


Not just spawning! It allows them to control the trajectory as well.


It just feels like humanity's trajectory rn is having to become nomadic again.


I sort of grant this, but there's layers within layers here--somebody who runs for president as a long-shot after a long career as a backbencher on the left flank of the party is in the 99th percentile, somebody who runs at age 38 after a carefully shaped trajectory is in the 99.9999th.


So #portfolioday Hello, I'm Jani. An illustrator from Finland. My focus is mainly on creature and character art/design, but I'm always expanding my interests.

A red orb carved to look like an eye. It's held by obsidian claw structure.
A pale doll in a half-wedding-half-funeral dress. It's smirking and looking up at you. The perspective is dramatic.
A giant stone man is walking over a barren environment over a blue lake. In the foreground a woman on a horse is observing the creature.
A blonde kid wearing a star sapphire shield and shoulder pad swings a sword sending colored blocks flying. A goblin with red eyes screams as he is caught in the trajectory of one of the blocks. Behind the kid ghostly menacing figures are reaching out to him.

I know my aim gets so good I don't even need to touch a rooty-shooty to experience the trajectory of every projectile that's ever been fired in the history of the entire universe while astral projecting to the range and seeing everyone's auras covered in spiritual damage causing them to be so weird.


Donors steered the ship back to the country's default rightward trajectory


I’m also not convinced that they will attempt such conquests unprovoked though I agree that the trajectory is disturbing


"I'm thinking of bringing Dick Cheney back into top-tier, federal politics. He'd be a fantastic mentor for me in my war-criminal trajectory! "In fact, with my politics, I might just have a GOP majority in my cabinet. That way, I'd be able to blame THEM for my not doing anything on abortion rights!"

List of opportunities when Dems controlled House, Senate, AND White House and therefore COULD have codified Roe vs Wade... but couldn't be bothered, preferring to keep it as a "hot issue": great for winning votes and attracting donations.

Carter: 4 years
Clinton, Obama, and Biden: 2 years each.

The "Democratic" Party has been playing with Women's Reproductive Rights for its own electoral advantage - and to raise funds - without the slightest intention of ensuring those rights federally once and for all.
GUARANTEED Women's Reproductive Rights as the perennial carrot, always just out of reach of the donkey, because the PROMISE is just too valuable a vote-winner at election time. Once settled, the Dems would lose this campaign tool.