na rodinha spock, jim, uhura e mcCoy o mcCoy e o mais afeminado de todos


Foi aqui que conheci a maravilhosa Michaela Coel, depois vieram Chewing Gum, ela sendo mais Uhura do que a própria Uhura novamente em Black Mirror, Sr e Sra Smith e a estupenda I May Destroy You.


fiz a uhura no tema ficção científica💓 comi e nao deixei migalhas !


#SpookTrek Suspicion Suspecting that one of her entries led to Chin-Riley's arrest, La'an asks Uhura to pull up communications referencing the First Officer, including personal logs. Uhura refuses, citing that personal logs are sealed. ("Ad Astra Per Aspera")


OH MY GOD SHE IS HERE AND I AM IN HEAVEN. Seriously, just paging through this, it’s clear Nana Visitor DID THE WORK researching and writing this book.

Cover of Star Trek Open a Channel A Woman’s Trek by Nana Visitor. Artwork shows a Starfleet logo in the background and in the foreground, Beverly Crusher (TNG era), Nyota Uhura (TOS era/Nichelle Nichols), Tasha Yar, Katherine Janeway, Kira Nerys, Michael Burnham, Seven of Nine (VOY era), La’an Noonien-Singh and Erica Ortegas
The beginning of the section on Beverly Crusher. Crusher’s headshot is on the left page. The header on the right reads Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher.

I got to be in the presence of Uhura yesterday, oh and Selena Gomez

Zoe Saladana rushing to the red carpet
Zoe Saldana, Adriana Paz, Karla Sofía Gascón, and Selena Gomez on the carpet.

Scene from Star Trek IV: The One with the Whales. Chekhov and Uhura are on a busy street with a city bus circa 1980s in the background. Uhura is in her red uniform but with the dinner flap open for casual time. Chekhov is in a sweet but dated leather jacket. It looks like a nice day, maybe high 60s or low 70s. Closed caption reads, "Excuse me, we are looking for nuclear wessles."

I will put you in the agony inducer.

Scene from Star Trek episode "Mirror Mirror" where Uhura holds a dagger to Sulu's neck.

#42. My first great love.

Nichelle Nichols as Uhura in the original Star Trek series.