Today's movie was Pearl (2022) and funnily enough, this is not the strangest musical tribute to the horrors of WWI that I've seen. That was in Evergreen (1934), a leftfield burst of expressionism in an otherwise normal movie, produced by people who were (mostly) all around during the actual war.

Pearl (2022). Pearl on stage in a red dress, imagining the war-torn battlefields of Europe behind her. She's in front of a kickline of women dressed to look like soldiers in the great war, but with whitened faces and doll-like red circles on their cheeks.
Evergreen (1934). On a small circular stage, a woman in a sheer white shift dress looks up as a piston comes down on her to transform her into a weapon of war. The previous woman who underwent this is walking away, dressed in futuristic black-and-silver armor. The stage is surrounded by women dressed in the same armor, lifting their arms in exultation of the war machine. Behind them all, giant industrial flywheels
Evergreen (1934). These armored women each stand in what looks like a cross-section of a human-sized bullet. They ride a conveyor belt into a metallic chamber and emerge on another conveyor belt, higher up, as giant human-sized shells.
Evergreen (1934). The armored women climb a zig-zagging industrial walkway upwards, all stepping in unison. Out in front, the star of the show gestures with a baton. She's dressed in all silver armor and flanked by two women in the standard black armor.

Iโ€™m not gonna say our city doesnโ€™t have problems. It could be kinder to the unhoused and more compassionate to those burdened with addictions. Its problems are the problems of greed & hoarding under capitalism, not a lack of resources. But itโ€™s really lovely to see new communal spaces spring up.

The overlook has a good view of the giant Ferris wheel on the waterfront.
A playground for children links two different heights of pedestrian walkway and ramps. Slides skim the slope, and kids can climb back up using rock climbing handholds, or using ropes.
A colorful wall of fish painted more realistically and orcas painted in a Coast Salish style.

"After 85 years carrying traffic into Chimney Rock, the 1925 viaduct was converted into a verdant walkway festooned with more than 2000 species of plants." AP National Writer Tim Sullivan Again, really appreciate all your posts.


Just finished Endling: Extinction is Forever (2022). Fun survival game with stylish visuals. The simplified gameplay meant that more mental space could be devoted to the changing environment. A suitably sad tale told without a word, and an appropriately ambiguous ending. The cubs were very cute.

The cover for the game, featuring a mother fox leading three cubs across a pipe spanning a polluted river. In the background are a factory and forest.
The fox and her kits sneak in the forest past a scavenger wearing a gas mask and trenchcoat, wielding a long rifle, and carrying a large sack full of objects.
The fox comforts one of her pups on an industrial walkway.
The fox and her kits follow behind a badger. They are on the fenced border of a farm.

Aerial photo of current landscaping at a walkway along the ponds at Atlantic restaurant.


We considered it, but weโ€™ve got a prime spot right near the walkway back to the condo. Ocean is just loud enough where you only pick it up now and again. So it *could* be worse


Spooky szn has arrived

Lamppost and handrail adorned with spider webs
Three headstones, two on the right and one on the left of a walkway

A walkway.