The Federation big wig guy has two hair spikes on the front of his head that look like a Gundam V fin

already hate this guy

Some Federation Big Wig or Something: "Those bereft of ideals have no right to enjoy freedom."

Anyway, finished my Cid jacket for NYCC next week. Hype as fuck. Lowkey a little pissed I dyed by hair orage and have to wear a wig— the cosplay looks sick regardless 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


trying to come up with my own art style that combines elements from canon 🐧 #clubpenguin#clubpenguinjourney

A modestly elaborate study of the various Club Penguin art styles through the years on the left, and my own drawings of Club Penguin characters on the right. My studies concern the body length, head shape, beak pointedness, feet length, and the presence (or lack) of shoulders. 

I combine several elements from the canon art styles to create the penguins on the right. Notably, they have long torsos, slightly pointed beaks, and big, flexible feet. I also gave them tails and a clearer divide between their eyes.
A close-up of some of my penguin drawings from the previous slide:
- A penguin in a default standing pose.
- A penguin in a confident stance, crossing their arms—er, flippers.
- Various penguin expressions: Scared, angry, curious, sad.
- A penguin with earmuffs and a scarf, sitting cozily while looking off to one side with a smile.
- Aunt Arctic with one hand on her hip and another on her chin. Her head's cocked to one side, and she's looking up with one eyebrow raised contemplatively.
- A penguin falling flat on their face, looking dazed.
- A redraw of a penguin in a cute pink and purple dress. The original reference is a white penguin in a brown wig, pink bracelets, and sneakers. My redraw is done in a style more reminiscent of late-2000's Club Penguin, and is missing the brown wig. Text above her reads: "No hair for you!" in flaming text. 
Smaller text reads: "I'm not a purist, I just couldn't draw it right LOL."

- A yellow penguin bending over and shaking their tail feathers and sticking their tongue out at someone. The in-game "bleh" emoticon appears above their head.

- (Another redraw of a canon image.) Gary the Gadget Guy leaping in the air and shouting "Eureka!"

I'm voting for Donald Trump's mom who looked like if Donald Trump played his own mom in an Eddie Murphy style movie.


You could do that with the wig of course but wondered(as a parent) if powdering helped with hair infestations. Nits for example like clean hair


Vest and boots are done. May have to go over the elastic part a few more times. Wig and skirt are left.


My favorite wig


"Good morrow, subjects! Remember, when addressing the throne, always bow your head, curtsy, and ensure your wig is properly powdered . Failure to comply will result in... embarrassment. - British Society of Peasant Control"


And that's my first faceup done! I went back over her brows to match her wig better (and they don't look so white-white in person). The brows and eyelashes were actually not as awful as I thought they'd be. I'm so pleased with how she turned out. I didn't expect to do so well tbh.

Completed faceup for a ball jointed doll. The colors are primarily purple tinted. She's wearing holo-reflective makeup and has a star on one cheek near her eye. She is wearing a white and purple yarn weft wig with braids.
A complete faceup on a ball jointed doll head. She looks so sweet here.
Another view. Her wig is a bit messy, I need to restyle it.
Another view. This one is extra creepy honestly.