Why must I be such a slow writer? Why must it take me like 40 minutes to write 5 sentences, most of that time is just me taking my ideas in my head and turn them into coherent words... I genuinely hate this and don't know how to improve this... I just want writting to not be so slow.


As I was writting down my things to do list of the day I just noticed that I only try to deeply care about people because that was my way to survive. Maybe thats why I feel like all my feelings are fake and I never deal with how insecure I feel. heh at least brainy brain is working a bit


Writting about my dreams in a journal has revealed a pattern that shows I dream more frequently at the end of the year and continue until February


With you on this. Haven't given up on up-ing my drawing skills (even now when AI js "enchanting" so many people). Writting helps my sanity, so I'm guessing it will stick with me for a while still. So many things, so little time.


Been working on it for about 3 months of just WRITTING


to remember is to live: here's a very old one to lighten the night: deaged-SQH's-Diary with some deaged moshang shenanigans 🤣 was it a curse? qi-deviation? Who knows! But I imagine them spending a week or so like that, breaking havoc everywhere like the little menaces they are hahaha #svsss

Deaged SQH diary showcasig their day.
Page 1: [child drawing of mbj and sqh inside the lake. mobei jun has a big smile on his face while he laughs] The text says "Year 84 of the Black Dragon Emperor (Luo Binghe), sunday. Today I made mobei laugh. He looked so funny. Luo-ge did not believe me. But I remember. He laughed so much his eyes closed! It was funny, but also nice."
Page 2: a visual play by play in crude child drawings of how they fell into the lake, walking near the water, when sqh stumbles and they fall. By the second image of them falling, sqh writes "mobei didn't feel cold, that CHEATER! (but he made me not feel cold too, so it's fine..)"
page 1: drawing of mobei's symbol with an arrow saying "it's something like this!" and nearby, mountains with the sun setting and a strawman mobei jun drawn with an arrow saying "mobei". The text reads "Year 84 of the black dragon emberor, tuesday. It turns out the mark on mobei's forehead is really a birthmark! I scrubbed it until it was red all around and glowing and he made it all cold. It's so weird but so cool! I wish I had one too, but since I'm just human, mobei drew one on my forehead and I went full demon all day!
page 2: depiction og sqh scrubbing at mbj's symbol, and on the side, sqh with a scribbled-on demon symbil of his own. The text reads: "It was pretty rad, but I got a cut on my knee in the end which was not."
page 1: a drawing of half of mobei jun's face, with his eyes as focus. Text reads: "Year 84 of the black dragon emperor, wednesday. The kids on An Ding today got really scared when mobei looked at them. I heard one of them whispering he has scary eyes, but that's a lie! I know, I took a good look at them and they look nice, like pretty stones, or a galaxy in the sky. P.S.: Mobei asked me what a galaxy is and how come he doesn't know it!? I shall ask luo-ge to teach him if he wants to know. He must know!!"
page 2 is a collection of drawings of mobei jun's eyes and the chrysoberyl stones luo binghe has shown shang qinghua before. Scattered across are various comments made by sqh, who is comparing the two: "So cool" (about mbj's pupils going from a slit to an open shape), "kinda like a cat, right? It's nice! Sometimes ti gets really big like that. I wonder why.." and "what did luo-ge call these again? [crossed failed attempts at writting 'chrysoberyl'] cris, chrys, curist [and then normal writing again] something 'beryl'"


Abra - Twitch
Abra - Twitch

[ENVTuber] Continent of Steel Session 1: The City of Peridot Town


Hi! Intro for my pinned. I am Kenai i am a system host who draws a ton of

sketch in black of character kokichi ouma imitating the danganronpa character title cards of him standing face front and writting that sayd "kokichi oma ultimate passivona