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Anglo-Norman Dictionary
The AND is an open-access digital platform at Aberystwyth University about Anglo-Norman, the type of French used in the British Isles throughout the medieval period.- visit
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WOTD: planete, s. ‘planet’ ‘set planetes Sunt al firmament […] Ceo est Saturnus e Jubiter, Mars, Solail e pus Venus, Mercurius, Lune’ RAUF ANTS 295 (seven planets are up in the sky […] They are Saturn and Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, then Venus, Mercury and the Moon) #SpaceWeek 1/2

Image: Astronomer(s) (Paris, BnF, Français 134 f.169). Source: . This medieval illumination depicts a group of three scholars dressed in brightly colored robes and hats, observing a celestial sphere representing the Earth. The Earth is surrounded by stars and a deep blue background, with a detailed depiction of a cityscape on its surface, symbolizing medieval cosmological understanding. The figures stand outdoors amidst foliage, looking thoughtfully at the globe as if discussing astronomical theories. The intricate decorations around the frame and the French script below suggest that the scene comes from a manuscript related to cosmology or geography.

WOTD: scolemestre, s., ‘schoolmaster, teacher’ ‘.ij. scolemaisters, l'un pur enfourmer les ditz queresters en musyk et l'autre en gramer’ Rot Parl1 iv 249 (two teachers, one to teach the said choristers music and the other grammar.) ➡️

Image: Saint Jerome paying his professor (France, Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 1 f.3v). Source : .
This medieval illumination depicts Saint Jerome in two different scenes. On the left, Jerome, identified by his halo, is leaving a city gate and gesturing towards a ship on the water, symbolizing his journey. The ship, with several passengers visible, has its sail unfurled, indicating readiness for travel. The city architecture is detailed, showing fortified walls, towers, and a statue of a Roman goddess. On the right, Jerome is seated outside a different city and appears to be handing a coin to a bearded figure holding a book, symbolizing the payment for his education. The colors are vibrant, with rich reds, blues, and gold accents.

WOTD: gain, s., ‘autumn, harvest season’ weins frois et sechs si resemble […] melancolie Psalter Comment 109.89 (autumn is cold and dry ; it is similar to […] black bile) ➡️

Saison : automne/Season:  autumn (Paris, BnF, Français 9140 f.186v). Source: . In this medieval representation of autumn, we see two people: one picking apples and the other grappes.

WOTD: ‘levé’, pp as a., leavened: ‘pur le pantrie […] vous achatés du payn non pas chaufenous, mes de bon payne levee’ Man lang ANTS 5.12 (For the pantry […] you will not buy mouldy bread but good leavened one) ➡️ More info:

Image: Habacuc transportant des vivres pour Daniel/Habakkuk carrying supplies for Daniel (France, Tours, Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 13 f. 086). Source:

While we can't be sure if this was a widespread "ale-pocalypse", it does offer a salty glimpse into the everyday concerns of medieval #Londoners.#ThamesWater#TBT#medieval 3/3


(At this time the sea swept over the water of the #Thames which became saline. As a result many people complained of the ale which became salty) 2/3


Today, we offer you a salty saga from #medieval#AngloNorman chronicle, in 1325: ‘En cel temps la meer surmontoit l’eawe de Thamise qe fust salee, par quei moltz des gentz se pleignoient de la cervoise qe fu salee’ Anon Chr2 122 1/3

[Illustration: Repas - Tirage du vin (France, Abbeville. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 16 f. 015v)]

This image is a medieval manuscript illumination with vibrant colors and gold accents. It is divided into three main panels:
The top panel shows a pair of feet in blue hosiery, suggesting a figure just out of view.
The central panel features two men working; one is pouring wine from a barrel into a container, while the other holds a jug and appears to be assisting or waiting to receive the liquid.
The bottom right panel shows an architectural feature resembling a window with two figures inside sitting at a table eating a meal
Each panel is adorned with elaborate borders and decorative elements typical of medieval manuscripts. There is text above and below the central panel written in Latin.

('Royal stars' that are called ‘principals’, which in Latin are properly known as planets. The Earth hangs among them.) To learn more: 2/2

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Anglo-Norman Dictionary
The AND is an open-access digital platform at Aberystwyth University about Anglo-Norman, the type of French used in the British Isles throughout the medieval period.- visit
306 followers349 following160 posts