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Aida Alvera-Azcárate
Oceanographer at University of Liège (Belgium)
172 followers220 following109 posts

I'm spending less time that I would like on research lately, and this week was specially bad... So I made a quick chart to estimate how bad it was 😬 That 8% of research was basically preparing a poster for a conference next week... I'll be doing these more often, hoping I can improve that %!!

A graph showing bars in dark turquoise green with the percentages I spent doing, in order: mentoring, meetings, service, research, class (prep and actually giving class) and admin.

A focus of the 8th #OceanStateReport#CopernicusMarine is marine heatwaves: the fraction of the sea surface that experiences one each year keeps increasing 🌊 I'm surprised by the moderate events line (yellow) going down. Events are increasingly going to "strong" once a marine heatwave starts.

Reposted by Aida Alvera-Azcárate

Made some eddies in class yesterday. Lab demos are always a fair amount of work to set up, but so worth it. 🌊

Reposted by Aida Alvera-Azcárate

Video on ODYSEA satellite proposal by Sarah Gille: One year to go before final selection by NASA as we are competing with EDGE, STRIVE and Carbon-I for 2 launch spots in 2030 and 2032. 🌊

ODYSEA: Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents Via Satellite Doppler Scatterometry
ODYSEA: Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents Via Satellite Doppler Scatterometry

YouTube video by OASIS Community


One of the brightest rainbows I've seen. Just a pity I wasn't in a very photogenic place 😬

A double rainbow on a grey sky. In the front, a road, buildings, signs and street lamps
Reposted by Aida Alvera-Azcárate

Europe saw its warmest summer on record in 2024. Extreme temperatures in regions such as southeastern Europe are impacting the well-being of Europeans, as citizens in this region are experiencing more heat stress than ever before. 🧪⚒️🌊

Reposted by Aida Alvera-Azcárate

One of the awesome things about teaching is getting asked obvious questions that I've never thought about. Like why is it called 'geostrophic' balance? Turns out, we might have ended up calling it 'geostrepsic' balance were it not for Sir Napier Shaw F.R.S. 1/🌊

Screenshot of the title of a manuscript 'Origin of the Word "Geostrophic" by E. Gold.

Belgian road admin told me it's "absolutely impossible" to make a bike lane on these +1 m wide margins, and invites me to take a 1-lane road with 13% slope parts and cars in both directions 😠

A two-lane road in a green wood scenery, with margins covered in brown pine needles
Reposted by Aida Alvera-Azcárate

What an incredible summer in the Gulf of Finland which still continues. The sea surface temperatures are +17C, at the late August level. Already 14 record-warm days in a row at the Gulf of Finland wavebuoy!

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Aida Alvera-Azcárate
Oceanographer at University of Liège (Belgium)
172 followers220 following109 posts