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ali alkhatib
signal -> @ali.01
486 followers158 following957 posts

i will not elaborate.


something about these guys screams "shoebox full of semen"

Reposted by ali alkhatib


this is so stupid i think im getting a headache right now

Reposted by ali alkhatib

Hi, I do bioethics. Thx for sharing this! Lots going on here, but I am super-wary of the #technochauvinism here: "Algorithms... might actually paint a more authentic portrait of the way a person has lived, compared with a surrogate…" Humans aren't just "in the loop." We ARE the loop.


i hope not!

Beyond predicting outcomes, Al has the potential to predict what an incapacitated patient would choose. When patients cannot speak for themselves, we ask surrogates to draw on their knowledge of the patient to help the clinical team make individualized treatment decisions. Although a well-informed surrogate can perform this process of substituted judgement effectively, many patients lack a well-informed surrogate. Combining individual-level behavioral data-inputs such as social media posts, church attendance, donations, travel records, and historical health care decisions-Al could learn what is important to patients and predict what they might choose in a specific circumstance.
For example, in the opening vignette, an algorithm predicted that the mother would want comfort-focused treatment because her historical activities suggested that functional independence was important and the clinical situation made this outcome unlikely. This is not dissimilar from current best practice, wherein clinicians look to families, friends, prior physicians, and others to understand what an incapacitated patient would want. Algorithms-with thou-sands, millions, or even billions of direct observations of a person's behavior-might actually paint a more authentic portrait of the way a person has lived,
Other practical and normative issues abound if Al is going to be used to help surrogate decision-makers. Despite the ability to synthesize more and richer sources of information, data can be biased, and Al-derived predictions may be inappropriate or wrong. Just as advance directives can become outdated, prior behavioral data may not accurately reflect present-day wishes. Clinicians and patients can place undue trust in machines, conflating precision with accuracy.
behavioral data may not accurately reflect present-day wishes. Clinicians and patients can place undue trust in machines, conflating precision with accuracy.
They might be reticent to override an algorithm's recommendation, even if the suggested course of action did not make sense (just as an overreliance on navigation apps sometimes causes motorists to crash their vehicles). Treatment options also change over time. We would not want an algorithm to predict that a...
Reposted by ali alkhatib

BlueSky can come up with all kinds of tools, and it should. But we can’t “technologize” our way out of white supremacy. If BlueSky wants to thrive, white liberals and progressives are going to have to interrogate and annihilate their relationship to white supremacy.


i might have been the only person in the last ~10 years to have had a great trip to venice during the winter but i will ride or die for it. ... but odds are it'll flood, so feel free to ignore me lol

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ali alkhatib
signal -> @ali.01
486 followers158 following957 posts