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Ali Trotta
Writer, poet (7-time Rhysling Award nominee), editor, nerd, wielder of sarcasm, coffee vampire. Supergirl meets Buffy meets Gilmore Girls. she/her Rep: header by Web:
3.4k followers733 following25.9k posts

Darlings! Let’s do something fun. Quote skeet this and tell me about an author you really like. Someone whose work has enriched your life in some way. Say what in particular you enjoy, if you like. Tag them, if you wish. We could all use a little more joy. (I’ll do mine in a QS, in a bit.)


Alan Dean Foster really shaped my taste in sci-fi imaginative worlds. His world building was always really captivating to me as a kid. The Journey of the Catechist trilogy was probably the most influential to me with the Hero questioning the way things have to be and his interesting perspectives.


I’m probably a librarian because of how Stephen King opened up my imagination and showed me that books were the world.

2 for his thoughtful and awesome portrayal of the humanity outside the human species. (we are quite self centered naming such a trait after ourselves, aren't we) And the pure awe he manages to put on the page.


Stephen King got me through some rough patches in 8th grade


Hilary Mantel, someone who was really able to immerse you in the characters and bring you into that world. Also reignited my interest in English history as well as making me read more about the French Revolution after ' A place of greater safety'


I'm an ex chef and I went through an intense period of depression and the book "How Long Til Black Future Month" by lived by my bed because its filled with amazing stories but particularly L'Alchimista. It is one of my favorites and brought me joy during a time I cried alot


I love Douglas Adams' writing for his prescience in matters tech, and his wry observations on human/sentient behaviour. I also think his skill as a wordsmith doesn't always get the credit it deserves - "they hung in the air in much the same way bricks don't" remains a favourite piece of description


So many! But recently, I keep going back to The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham so amazingly created what felt like could be our future, then expanded it and expanded it and expanded it, both incredibly and terrifyingly, but always, always with heart and hope.


I love the novels by Amin Maalouf. When my mother received cancer treatment 20+ years ago (she survived btw), I took great comfort in reading 'Samarkand': the book took my mind off a very testing time in our family.


This sounds trite but Tolkien. It’s about the ordinary people, the small courageous things, the found family, the desire for a better world. When I’m just absolutely done with the human race I read Tolkien

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Ali Trotta
Writer, poet (7-time Rhysling Award nominee), editor, nerd, wielder of sarcasm, coffee vampire. Supergirl meets Buffy meets Gilmore Girls. she/her Rep: header by Web:
3.4k followers733 following25.9k posts