Patrick Reid
Geriatrics ST, continuing to third wheel my wife and son. Leeds, UK Books, gaming and, despite how much it pains me, politics
236 followers464 following1.1k posts

Summary of current Tory party strategy meetings

Reposted by Patrick Reid

Robert Jenrick on Tory election loss: “The reason that we didnt deliver over the past few years…was primarily that we did not have the ballast of knowing what this party believes in… a broad church but a common creed…we need to give this party back some religion.”

Reposted by Patrick Reid

When I read the headline about Kemi on maternity pay I was like “pretty weird but probably talking about the burden on business”. Then you realise she’s talking about statutory maternity pay? A payment mainly known for shocking every new parent with how crap it is? Proper “hello I am mental” stuff.


Oh interesting I didn't know that. But that does sound like the kind of experience you'd want to be represented better in cabinet. BoJo obviously had his brother in the cabinets but his brother was a longstanding MP. Feel the nepotism needs to be more linked to relatives who lack any experience


I know! Also after the last 14 years is this really sleaze and avarice of a scale we've never seen?


I know it's not the story of many empires in history. But two of the most successful of ancient history (Rome and Persia) were made immeasurably stronger by embracing the range of people under their rule Persians appear to have been a lot more tolerant to other cultures and practices, though


I know it's not the story of many empires in history. But two of the most successful of ancient history (Rome and Persia) were made immeasurably stronger by embracing the range of people under their rule. Obviously Persians appear to have been a lot more tolerant to other cultures and practices.

Reposted by Patrick Reid

Ok last politics posting tonight. But saw that Laura Kuenssberg's show has 4 conservatives in for 1 labour. ( And now an interview with Rosie Duffield) Thought was because of Tory conference. But last weekends show had 1 labour MP and 1 Tory. Can they not see how plays into bias concerns?


Agree with second paragraph. But at least those sisters have been in labour politics for over a decade. Longer then she has been an MP for sure.

Patrick Reid
Geriatrics ST, continuing to third wheel my wife and son. Leeds, UK Books, gaming and, despite how much it pains me, politics
236 followers464 following1.1k posts