Patrick Reid
Geriatrics ST, continuing to third wheel my wife and son. Leeds, UK Books, gaming and, despite how much it pains me, politics
236 followers464 following1.1k posts

Agree with second paragraph. But at least those sisters have been in labour politics for over a decade. Longer then she has been an MP for sure.


McSweenys wife an MP getting a treasury role… the NEC members given safe seats. It does all look pretty grubby. But it’s also how it works in the UK. It’s a patronage network that recruits in the odd high performer. You get some working class at oxbridge. The odd peers who did great things.

Patrick Reid
Geriatrics ST, continuing to third wheel my wife and son. Leeds, UK Books, gaming and, despite how much it pains me, politics
236 followers464 following1.1k posts