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Andy Reisinger
Climate science and policy. Also the occasional photo and random thoughts. Currently serving as Commissioner at He Pou A Rangi, New Zealand Climate Change Commission; former IPCC vice-chair WGIII. Usual disclaimers...
1.3k followers460 following133 posts

Five principles for robust carbon dioxide removal policy in the G7- 1. Implement credible MRV 2. Phase into existing policy 3. Link deployment to net-zero goals 4. but get ready for net-negative goals 5. Strengthen int'l cooperation

Five principles for robust carbon dioxide removal policy in the G7
Five principles for robust carbon dioxide removal policy in the G7

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) policy is evolving rapidly but remains fragmented. Upcoming initiatives by the G7 members, which face expectations to be …


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Andy Reisinger
Climate science and policy. Also the occasional photo and random thoughts. Currently serving as Commissioner at He Pou A Rangi, New Zealand Climate Change Commission; former IPCC vice-chair WGIII. Usual disclaimers...
1.3k followers460 following133 posts