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🔞 Lulawlu Fr🇲🇫-Gb🇬🇧-Deepl/Gtranslate 🏳️‍🌈💜🤍🖤 Pan/Ace - She/Her/Any 📖
66 followers135 following74 posts
Reposted by Angellan

Atlantis 👒🐯 had to make the cave scene 😌 2/2


I can't wait to read this 🫶


He misses his husband so much 🥲


I love this comic so much 😭🩷

Reposted by Angellan

aaaaaand this unused gag bc i love it too much

luffy (in law's body) throws open a door. he is nervously sweating and looks like he has witnessed unspeakable horrors. he is also pantsless, though law's long shirt prevents this sketch from becoming nsfw. he croaks, "TRAFFY. i can't pee." from offscreen, law (in luffy's body) shouts, "go back inside!" luffy continues, warbling, "where are you hiding it," as law screeches, "put on my pants!"

yes, trans law. happy pride in october.
Reposted by Angellan


page 13.

panel 1: while law has dressed luffy's body in a simple tanktop, luffy has opted to keep law's body shirtless. he still wears his straw hat, and he's barefoot in drawstring shorts. now, luffy (as law) drops down into a gear 2 pose, one fist on the ground and the other hand on his bent knee. steam rises from the ground, and he emits haki.

panel 2: a closeup of the top of law's body's head. (what a bizarre sentence to type.) the steam and smoke is clearing.

panel 3: law's head snaps up and the angled panels snap back into perfect rectangles. law's eyes are wide as returns to his body and thinks to himself, "did he... ...with haki?"
page 14.

panel 1: luffy, back in his own body too, beams widely, his shoulders shaking with his shi shi shi laugh. he says, "there we go! jeez, i'm STARVING! thanks, traffy! your devil fruit is so cool!"

panel 2: luffy reaches out for his hat back.

panel 3: luffy pushes it onto his head with one hand, while the other stretches up and away to grab the banister for the upper deck. he is already flat and airborne as he calls, "SANJI! i'm ready for more sandwiches!" the back of law's head is visible in the foreground.
page 15.

law sits hunched in agony on the toilet. he is bent in two, with his arms clutching his stomach and his forehead pressed to his knees. he has a trashcan between his legs and beneath his head and a roll of toilet paper beside him. he's shaking.

a small caption notes that he is riding out a luffy-induced ncgs (non-celiac gluten sensitivity) attack from the four sandwiches luffy devoured shortly before swapping back.
Reposted by Angellan


page 9

panel 1: luffy (as law) balls a hand in a fist, clutching his bicep with the other hand. he grins and says, "alright, i'm ready! show me how to do cool stuff!"

panel 2: luffy (as law) stumbles suddenly backward toward the railing, saying, "whoa..."

panel 3: he sits down hard against it with a goofy grin on his face. he hiccups and chirps, "you're kinda drunk, huh!"

panel 4: in the background, zoro, sanji, chopper, and franky observe and shout at luffy. in the foreground, usopp says to law (as luffy), "okay. you sure did it. now hurry up and swap back before he breaks something."

panel 5: law (as luffy) continues to grouchily stare at luffy's shenanigans. he looks haunted and has a small bead of sweat.

panel 6: the sweat increases as usopp whisper conspiratorially, "you CAN switch back, right?"

panel 7: realizing the meaning behind law's silence, usopp grabs law (as luffy) by his vest and screams, "TRAFFY, YOU CAN SWITCH BACK RIGHT?!" with his eye bugging out of his head.
page 10.

a montage of events.

panel 1: luffy (as law) grabs and stretches the cheek of a very startled law (as luffy), unused to being rubber.

panel 2: jimbei, brook, nami, and robin return from their off-ship adventures, dressed warmly. brook and robin appear amused and jimbei looks shocked. his eyes are popping out as he stares down at nami, who has just angrily socked luffy in the head... meaning that she punched law's body. luffy (as law) is half-curled on the floor, clutching the bumps on his head.

panel 3: law (as luffy) stands with a scalpel and foreboding mad scientist grin. next to him, luffy goes, "ack!" in surprise, likely about to protect himself from becoming an experiment.

panel 4: luffy (as law) beams brightly, though his smile is uncanny on law's face.

panel 5: luffy extends law's hand, saying a playful, "gum gum room!" as law (as luffy) watches uncomfortably.

at some point, it has become the next day, because law has redresed luffy's body in a tanktop.
page 11.

the montage continues.

panel 1: luffy (as law) laughs heartily and smacks zoro on the back. zoro's eye is comically wide as he watches his heart launch from his chest with the impact.

panel 2: law (as luffy) engages in his much beloved pastime of sulking against a wall with kikoku on his shoulder. the effect is somewhat hindered by luffy's smaller frame.

panel 3: a tiny panel shows an even tinier law (as luffy). he holds out the waistband of luffy's pants and stares down them. all he thinks is dot dot dot. his face is not visible.

panel 4: law (as luffy) grips his gurgling stomach and drools as he watches sanji walk by with meat on a platter. law is of course unused to having luffy's appetite and nutritional requirements.

panel 5: luffy (as law) pulls off his shirt, staring down at the full span of law's tattoos with sparking eyes and obvious awe.
page 12

panel 1: law (as luffy) grumbles, "this was a STUPID MISTAKE. i can't believe i let myself get carried away..." franky sunbathes beside him and says, "nothing to do but make the most of it!"

panel 2: franky adds, "maybe you should start working on some gum gum moves." in the background, luffy (as law)  can be seen approaching.

panel 3: luffy declares, "okay, traffy! this was fun, but i get full way too fast." law gasps in horror, "straw hat! how much did you make me eat?!" luffy protests, "not a lot! i only got through four sandwiches before..." law cuts him off to shout, "i can't eat bread! it has gluten!"

panel 4: luffy (as law) holds his stomach and sticks out his tongue, saying, "huh? is that why i feel gross? yuck, switch us back now!"

panel 5: law glares and says, "I can't. YOU have my devil fruit." luffy protests, "but you said not to use it!"

panel 6: law snaps, "you have to, or we're stuck like this!" luffy sticks out his arms and huffs, "that's stupid! i'll just..."
Reposted by Angellan


page 5.

panel 1: sanji's back as he raises his smoking hand dismissively and says, "heh. guess not."

panel 2: zoro's back as he gives a big yawn and stretches his arm over his head, bored.

panel 3: luffy's back as he slumps in disappoint, even his hat drooping. he asks, "wait, so he can't do it? aw... but i wanted sanji's eyebrows..."

panel 4: law freezes in horror as the words, "he can't do it," echo in his mind. coupled with the pitch black background around him, he gives the impression of a man who is about to make an incredibly stupid decision because he feels slighted and looked down upon.
page 6.

panel 1: a closeup of law's eye and furrowed brow.

panel 2: he raises his hand and says, "room."

panel 3: he stands dramatically, flinging his feathery coat from his shoulders. one hand is clenched with what is perhaps determination.

panel 4: he flicks his fingers upward, saying, "and SHAMBLES."

panel 5: two unknown hearts swap. or souls. or whatever it is that he swapped around during the punk hazard arc.
page 7.

panels 1-5: closeups of the straw hats stare in horror at an off-screen sight. franky's glasses slip down his nose. usopp's teeth are gritted. sanji and zoro look stunned speechless. chopper's mouth is hanging open.

panel 6: the aforementioned off-screen sight. law stands, head tilted and mouth flat with luffy-esque confusion, while luffy's brows are pinched and he looks furiously shocked as he looks down at himself. these panels break the grid-like style of the others so far, starting the use of angled, off-kilter ones.
page 8.

panel 1: a closeup pov shot of law's hands. one is sideways, while the other is palm up, as their new owner mutters, "hm? heh?"

panel 2: both hands are rotated palm-down, to look at their tattoos. the person gasps, "whoa!"

panel 3: law's body stands, hands on hips with a grin, as luffy (in said body) announces, "guys! look how tall i am!"

panel 4: luffy (as law) leaps onto the back of a startled and kinda mad zoro. he continues, "zoro, look! i'm traffy!"
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🔞 Lulawlu Fr🇲🇫-Gb🇬🇧-Deepl/Gtranslate 🏳️‍🌈💜🤍🖤 Pan/Ace - She/Her/Any 📖
66 followers135 following74 posts