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quip 🦞 @ post-wano!!!
they/he | 26 | current concern: dangerously close to being caught up on one piece 😔 | (this is for insurance purposes… mostly on tumblr/twitter)
99 followers38 following30 posts

sorry for the spam. i uh. forgot i had an account here 😅


just realized ive been messing up the @ bc ive just been copy/pasting from twitter… my bad bree


fic (mind the tags and rating):


hes not bitter at all actually. he doesnt hold any grudges… (from ch. 6 of’s zosan fic, utilities included)

a four page one piece fancomic. page 1.

panel 1: usopp turns curiously and asks, “what’s it like living with zoro? you know, with both of you being alphas?”

panel 2: sanji stands in the extreme foreground, while vivi sits at the coffee table, leaning against the couch. she smiles fondly at nami, who says, “usopp! you can’t just ASK that!” usopp sits at the coffee table, kaya reclining against his shoulder. he says, “aren’t you curious? sure, luffy KIND OF lived with him for a while, but sanji’s been around way longer, right?”

panel 3: sanji stands in a baggy sweatshirt. he looks disgruntled as he replies, “what’s there to say? he eats everything i make and doesn’t have enough stuff to make a mess. except for the time he tried to dye his hair in my kitchen, i don’t have much to complain about.”

panel 4: usopp asks a deadpan sanji, “well, if you had to rate him on a scale of 1 to 10, what would you give him?”
page 2.

panel 1: sanji looks down at the floor, unsettled by the question. 

panel 2: then he looks up at the sky in exasperated frustration.

panel 3: sanji has a flashback, recalling the end of his rut when he and zoro lay exhausted on the bed, heads at opposite ends. zoro raises his hands in the air, showing seven full fingers and part of a knuckle. sanji asks, “what… is THAT?”
page 3.

panel 1: zoro raises his head. his bangs are sweaty, but he has a smug grin as he says, “out of ten,” referring to the count on his fingers.

panel 2: sanji rockets upright and seated, his face a mixture of shocked and furious. he hisses, “oh, you ASSHOLE.”

panel 3: sanji looms over zoro. his expression has become further unhinged and foreboding. his fingers itch to wrap around zoro’s neck. unafraid of his potential demise, zoro points at his bent finger, asking, “did you see the knuckle? it’s seven and a HALF cuz the knuckle—“

the page fades out as the flashback ends.
page 4.

panel 1: sanji’s face is flat and peeved as he surfaces from the recollection. he says blandly, “seven and a half,” clearly still very bitter over zoro’s rating of his performance.

panel 2: unaware of sanji’s internal stewing, vivi and nami exchange looks of muted surprise.

panel 3: vivi finally turns to sanji’s eyebrows raised as she says a bit snidely, “that’s… SURPRISINGLY high.” nami smiles in amusement beside her.

caught him againnnn

one piece fancomic of post-timeskip luffy and law

panel 1: law yanks down on the brim of luffy’s hat, covering his face. luffy seems shocked and a bit peeved by this, while law has a rare smug smile on his face.

panel 2: luffy peers from beneath the brim of his hat, one hand on his head protectively. he’s glaring in law’s direction.

panel 3: luffy freezes, eyes and mouth wide in surprise at the expression he glimpsed on law’s face.

panel 4: luffy clambers onto law’s shoulders. law is glaring again, looking stubbornly away as luffy grins and pokes law’s face, likely demanding to see another smile.

fic (mind the tags and rating):


cw // suggestive , a/b/o sanji’s big “this might as well happen” moment 😅 (from ch 5 of @strawhattery’s zosan fic, utilities included)

4 page one piece fancomic. page 1.

panel 1: in their apartment, sanji stands stiffly with his face hidden, while zoro looks a little too happy with one hand on his hip. in the foreground are nami and usopp. usopp says, “nami… come on, we gotta get outta here.” while nami says to zoro and sanji, “if you guys need anything…”

panel 2: zoro replies, “we’ll call traffy. he’s a doctor. he’ll be able to stitch us up.” nami and usopp hover nervously by the front door. sanji has slumped over the breakfast bar.

panel 3: the front door starts to creak shut as usopp and nami leave.

panel 4: the door shuts with a click.

panel 5: sanji hangs his head, his out-of-it expression mostly hidden by his hair. from off-screen, zoro says, “NOW.”
page 2.

panel 1: zoro stands with a smug grin and his arms crossed as he finishes, “what are we going to do with you?”

panel 2: sanji whips his head to glare daggers at zoro.

panel 3: sweaty and gesticulating with shaky hands, sanji fumes, “this is YOUR fault, asshole. you could have TOLD me the meds you gave me mess with suppressants!”

panel 4: zoro, with an unsympathetic and condescending expression, says, “they don’t mess with mine.”

panel 5: sanji buries his hands in his hair, staring at the floor. he groans again, “this is your fault. stupid fucking moss-for-brains bastard with your bullshit pain meds. you’ve ruined EVERYTHING.”
page 3.

panel 1: sanji starts to awkwardly drag himself toward the hall, unwilling to turn his body away from the perceived threat of zoro. zoro watches him go and says, “your room? trust me, you don’t wanna go in there.” sanji hisses back, “what do you know? you some sorta expert on ruts? i can control it.”

panel 2: sanji continues slowly on his way. zoro replies, “no, you can’t. but you can direct it, with a little help.”

panel 3: sanji reaches the hallway, though his hackles are still raised. he screeches, “are you SERIOUSLY coming onto me right now?!” to which zoro says, “take it or leave it, cook.”

panel 4: sanji stands in the hall entrance, half of his grimacing face hidden by the wall. he says, “i hate you. i hate you SO MUCH. i could rip your throat out with my teeth.”

panel 5: zoro comes around the wall, grinning down at where sanji is squatting. he says, “oh, yeah. talk dirty to me.”
page 4.

panel 1: waist shots of zoro and sanji, about an arm’s length apart, though zoro is closing the distance. he says, “i’m going to touch you now. any last words?”

panel 2: a close up of sanji gettinf a fistful of zoro’s hair as he says, “i HATE when you act all cocky.”

panel 3: waist shots again as zoro slips his thigh between sanji’s legs. sanji continues, “you bastard.”

panel 4: a close up of sanji’s stern glare as he finishes, “you asked for this, so don’t blame me.”

panel 5: zoro smugly bites and pulls on an outraged sanji’s lower lip.

panel 6: a close up of their mouths, zoro still smiling and sanji with his jaw hanging slightly open. zoro says, “alright, pretty boy. do your worst.”

vague and sketchy captain trio shenanigans,, idk pretend theyre seastone bullets or something

2 page sketchy one piece comic of luffy, law, and kid fighting some off-screen enemy. the artist hasn’t really figured it out.

panel 1: luffy lands flat on his back, unconscious and sizzling, eyes empty and tongue hanging out. in the background, a teeny law and kid stand mid-fight. law calls out, “lu—“ then catches himself to yell, “mugiwara-ya!”

panel 2: law runs up to luffy, to continues to look worse for wear and very much non-responsive. law anxiously says, “oi, oi! get up—“ before he is cut off.

panel 3: a close up of law’s startled face. his eyes are wide and his face is in shadow, as he sees something rapidly approaching.

panel 4: law covers luffy’s body with his own, cradling his head in his hands. over him, kid shields them both with his own body and a sheet of metal. three bullets clang, clank, clink into it, leaving deep indents. kid looks royally peeved, shouting, “are you STUPID, trafalgar?! what was the plan?! stop those bullets with your scrawny little stick body?!”
page 2.

panel 1: a top view of the back of law and kid’s heads as they look down at luffy. law is hissing, “i was GOING to sham—“ before luffy interrupts. his eyes are groggy and half-lidded as he says, “UGH. what happened…”

panel 2: still stacked over each other, law and kid exchange uncomfortable and slightly annoyed looks in silence. 

panel 3: law scrambles to the side, grabbing his fallen hat, while kid pushes off to roll himself and the sheet of metal off of luffy. luffy sits up, leaning on one hand as they dismount. law shouts, “mugiwara-ya!” and kid shouts, “straw hat!” before they yell together, “get him!” an extremely lazy and vague silhouette stands in the distance in front of luffy, who just mumbles, “uh huh… i was gonna…”

fic (mind the tags and rating):



page 5.

panel 1: sanji mumbles, “if you put me on that SHITTY couch, mosshead, so help me—“ zoro looks down at sanji, who seems to be lying on the shitty couch in question.

panel 2: the remainder of the page is black, with zoro’s words fading out as sanji’s drifts off. he hears zoro say, “i’m gonna get traffy,” but he can hardly make out the words, “don’t die. that’d be a real pain in the ass.”
page 6.

the panels on this page are crooked and stuck down in the bottom left, with the rest of the page fully black. a couple slivers of panel show sanji slowly fading into consciousness, and illegible speech bubbles reveal people talking above him.

panel 1: sanji’s eyes open to see zoro and traffy (trafalgar law) hovering over him. law is saying something illegible as zoro looks at him with drawn brows.

panel 2: law says something else, teeth gritted as he looks away and sweats a bit. zoro is busy looking down at sanji. he looks a bit… off, with an expression that could be described as “concerned.”

panel 3: sanji’s vision goes crooked again as zoro reaches down to roll him over on the couch. zoro mutters something. traffy is visible in the background, holding a child’s thermometer.

panel 4: from his new position, sanji can only see the cracks of the shitty couch cushions. traffy’s hand reaches down with the thermometer as he says, “open up.”
page 7.

panel 1: traffy says more illegible things, ending with the barely readable, “my job’s done here,” as sanji rolls enough to stare at zoro and traffy’s legs.

panel 2: sanji raises his gaze slightly as traffy continues, “not that this was a job. again: i’m not your doctor.”

panel 3: sanji looks up at the underside of zoro’s irritated face as he snaps, “we get it!” law gives him a side-eye as he leaves.

panel 4: zoro looks down at sanji, irritated. sanji finally speaks, saying, “i want… …to get the hell off this couch…”

panel 5: sanji continues, “either you take me to my room or i keep complaining. your choice.” zoro’s shoulders hunch and his face twists in barely contained fury. one lower eyelid is twitching up, and he’s biting his lip as he refrains from cussing out the sick guy.
page 8.

panel 1: zoro reaches for sanji, a newfound smug smirk on his lips. sanji croaks out a, “wha—“

panel 2: sanji’s new view is the top of zoro’s head, looking over his shoulder. he slams his fist down on zoro’s skull as he’s picked up.

panel 3: the panel’s sides wobble and warp. sanji has been hefted over zoro’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. one hand is fisted in zoro’s shirt, and the other is crooked in alarm. sanji yelps, “do you WANT me to start vomiting?!”

panel 4: zoro continues to carry sanji. his feet enter the hallway to sanji’s room. sanji still has a grip on his shirt, but his other hand is relaxing.

panel 5: zoro walks sanji into the dark of his bedroom. sanji lets out an, “ugh…” and his empty hand dangles limply as he gives up.
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quip 🦞 @ post-wano!!!
they/he | 26 | current concern: dangerously close to being caught up on one piece 😔 | (this is for insurance purposes… mostly on tumblr/twitter)
99 followers38 following30 posts