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Dr. Adelle Bricking
Archaeologist in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 | FLO at PAS Cymru | Iron Age mortuary practices | ADHD: expect typos 🥲 | she/her | my views!
495 followers368 following93 posts
Reposted by Dr. Adelle Bricking

Thinking of all the millions of women through history who have died giving birth. We can't go back. In Memory of Mary the Wife of Simeon Harvey Who Departed this Life Decembr 20th 1785 in 39th year of Her age on her left Arm Lieth the Infant Wich was still Born

top of a gray slate gravestone
with an image of a horizontal coffin
containing a large figure and a tiny figure

It’s not always metal - yesterday we had a lovely group of decorated Roman Samian ware sherds dropped off for PAS recording, including this one with a little figure going like 💃 Thanks to the finder, Ben, for spotting these on his daily walk! 📍 Lower Machen 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ⏳ AD 50-200 #FindsFriday

A sub-rectangular sheet of orange Samian ware in the palm of my hand. The sherd has a darker orange glaze. The sherd is decorated with a crude figure that is now unglazed from abrasion/erosion so it stands out against the dark orange background. The figure has one arm bent up at the elbow with hand near the head, the other arm bend down at the elbow like the lady in a red dress dancing emoji.
The same photo but with the lady dancing in a dress emoji overlaying the figure on the shred with the arm positions matching.
Reposted by Dr. Adelle Bricking

Archaeologists discovered a burial site from the late pre-Roman period and the early Roman period (1st century BC - 2nd century AD) in Kazimierz Wielka/Poland. 🏺 AncientBluesky


Allt-yr-Esgair looming large behind Llangors Lake! There’s something that feels very Iron Age about paddling around on the lake and delighting in the waterfowl under the watchful eye of the hillfort 💕🛖 📍 Llangors, Powys 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ⏳ Iron Age (c.800 BC-AD 43) #HillfortsWednesday

Me photographed from the side pointing across Llangors Lake to the Hillfort in the distance. It’s a sunny day. A couple kayakers paddle in the middle distance.
Photo of a bunch of ducks and two swans surrounding the canoe in the foreground. The crannog is in the middle distance and the Hillfort in the background. A canoe with through lovely people is in the centre of the photo (Alex, Clara and Bethan)
Photo of the calm lake waters and Hillfort in the background. Blue sky with wispy white clouds.
Zoomed in shot of the Hillfort emerging just beyond the lake. Some small white clouds hover near the top of the hill. New growth forest covers the Hillfort on one side. Cleared fields with hedgerow boundaries cover the other.
Reposted by Dr. Adelle Bricking

Prehistoric news to share? Would like to report on PhD research, a recent discovery or preliminary excavation results? We're looking for contributions to autumn newsletter, deadline 15 Sept. E-mail Susan Greaney with ideas or queries. Thank you🙂


It’s either this, a small tear in the dimensional fabric of the universe, or the Fae! 🧝‍♂️ I too think about that potato very often, I’m sorry to have burdened you with the mystery as well 😂


What’s interesting is that here we have “King’s Quoit” and a bit further down the coast at Stackpole there is a standing stone called the “Devil’s Quoit” - the dichotomy seems so intentional, I wonder if there is some interesting folklore or legend that connected them? 🤴🧲👹


King’s Quoit chambered tomb: a tomb with a view! 📍Manorbier, Pembrokeshire 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ⏳ Neolithic (c.4000-3000 BC) I recently learned these (and other monuments) are sometimes named ‘quoit’ because of their resemblance to a flat ring in a game similar to horseshoes! #TombTuesday

Me standing in front of the chambered tomb with my staffy and French bulldog on leashes. The capstone comes up to my chest and is angled slightly upwards towards the sea. It is partly underground. The sea behind is blue and calm. The blue sky has wispy white clouds.
The chambered tomb viewed from the side with the open sea behind. The grass in the foreground is lush and green. The sea is textured by the gentle breeze. You can see ‘into’ the tomb from this angle through a gap in the upright stones supporting the capstone.
Another angle of the tomb more from behind with gentle waves lapping at the beach.
A final angle, standing further away to show the view of the bay and beach.



Working on a paper and I keep accidentally typing ‘bitchery’ instead of ‘butchery’ so often I’m thinking of just leaving it for the editors lol This is brat summer 💚

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Dr. Adelle Bricking
Archaeologist in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 | FLO at PAS Cymru | Iron Age mortuary practices | ADHD: expect typos 🥲 | she/her | my views!
495 followers368 following93 posts