One-time real time embedded parallel C software engineer, retired, turned author of a book about money (of all things). Moved from the toys at Pasadena's JPL to the winds of Wellington, NZ. Real Money represents work done. The laws of Thermodynamics apply.
80 followers151 following42 posts

It is unlawful for states to purge voter rolls within 90 days of an election.🚨 State registered voter roll purging is happening now. If you find your name wrongfully purged, simply reregister. Expect everything. Check weekly. From

Verify your name is still on your State’s Registered Voter Roll
Verify your name is still on your State’s Registered Voter Roll

You have the power to beat voter suppression, glitches and Russian hacking!

Reposted by bj_chippindale

Shit's on fire, yo.

Chart of Global Sea Ice Area showing 2024 diving below the 2023 line to become the lowest area for the date on record.

Overlaid in the corner is the 1561 "Portrait Of A Young Man" by Italian artist Alessandro Allori who is staring glumly at the view pointing unenthusiastically to the chart in the background.
Reposted by bj_chippindale

Watched the 1981 movie Absence of Malice last night, decided that no one has ever been a cooler leaner than Paul Newman. Godlike leaning-on-stuff ability.

Paul Newman leaning against a fence looking cool as hell. He’s wearing sunglasses and a blue shirt and holding his jacket over his shoulder.
Paul Newman at a harbor or something leaning against a red metal thing looking cool as hell. He’s wearing a black shirt and a tan jacket and holding a newspaper.

150,000 registered voters purged from Ohio state voter rolls today! CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION TOMORROW. If you find your name wrongfully purged, simply reregister.

Reposted by bj_chippindale

Anyone who builds with single glazing, poor insulation and no central heating in 2024 should be automatically banned from building forever. The standard of housing here is absolutely crap, even the modern ones

Reposted by bj_chippindale

BREAKING: The Onion goes into receivership. States it can no longer compete with actual news.

Reposted by bj_chippindale

Puff piece lead 1News tonight trying to reframe the narrative around coal to be about getting a fair deal, with no mention of environmental destruction and climate change

Reposted by bj_chippindale

Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.

Reposted by bj_chippindale

Well this is grim

weird interaction with a student this week. they kept coming up with weird "facts" ("greek is actually a combination of four other languages") that left me baffled. i said let's look this stuff up together, and they said ok, i'll open a search bar, and they opened... ch*tgpt
and i was like "this is not a search bar" and they were like "yes it is, you can search for anything in here"

the thing that made me feel crazy is like. every kid that's using this as a browser is getting new BESPOKE false "facts." this isn't "a widespread misconception about X that stems from how it's taught in schools." each individual kid is now hooked into a Nonsense Machine

with the "widespread misconception about X" you can start at a baseline. like, ok, in tenth grade we all talk about X thing from history, and that leaves us with some misguided concepts about X, but we can correct that as students get broader understandings of the world

but with this, each child is getting UNIQUE wrong facts they are SURE are correct... because they did what we told them to do! they "looked it up"! they got it from somewhere! it's not a kid making up a belief on hearsay and assumption... it's something they think they LEARNED
this kid was extremely combative with me, and i understood why. i was sitting in front of him and telling him that the internet, a computer, technology, all these supposedly authoritative things... were wrong. and that i, one person, was right. he basically *couldn't* believe me.






stillorangecrushed @stilloranged. 7h

he decided that i was simply a teacher who'd made a mistake. he could check it, after all! he could look it up! he could find the REAL facts. i obviously hadn't done that, i was just an adult who'd decided i was smarter than him. hence the defensiveness. like i said: i understood





stillorangecrushed @stilloranged. 7h


it was so fucking rough. i did my best, but i am one person trying to work against a campaign of misinformation so vast that it fucking terrifies me. this kid is being set up for a life lived entirely inside the hall of mirrors
One-time real time embedded parallel C software engineer, retired, turned author of a book about money (of all things). Moved from the toys at Pasadena's JPL to the winds of Wellington, NZ. Real Money represents work done. The laws of Thermodynamics apply.
80 followers151 following42 posts