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Vector addict and ink blotch collector with a soft spot for pencils & watercolours.
190 followers359 following139 posts

If it calls upon demons, then I am all for a sacrificial cleansing. During the talk, our demons sat obedient in their corners! They don’t like being shared about in competition! (5/5) Yes, we have all had better times in life, sharing is caring at times!


Amongst the admissions was a touching confession that my friend had destroyed one of my originals from back then. The piece had become unbarebly connected to pain they were suffering, that they burnt it in a bonfire! How do I as an artist face the destruction of my work? (4/5)


“I don’t know, how much you have heard, but a lot has happened since we last saw each other…” Well, that dam broke! Black honesty it would hence be! A moving exchange of ten years full of emotions followed. As the afternoon drew to a close, we had introduced our demons to each other! (3/5)


There are two ways I have learned to take the initiative from here: the way of the white lie or that of the black truth and of course fifty shades in between! I knew my inquisitor had hardships after we lost contact. Cards returned to sender were a clear indication, something had happened! (2/5)


“Come on hold my hand I wanna contact the living Not sure I understand This role I’ve been given” “Hey, I haven’t seen you in ages! How's it going?” Simple small talk between friends catching up after a decade! I was alone travelling Europe, when an old acquaintance crossed my path! (1/5)

Two friends reunite after a decade and share how life has treated them...

I was so out of my depth, out of any of my comfort zones! Crashing through the gym hall, I caught a glimpse of my demons being simply drowned out by the chasing skater-kids! They are even worse at in-lines than me! They just don’t roll with it! (5/5) I have had better times, we are getting there!


If you know me in real life, I have the build of an ice hockey player. But unlike a pro, I lack the fitness and endurance! In no time I was grasping for balance and air, flailing helplessly. Skates more in control of me than I was of them! While a sea of little kids whizzed around me! (4/5)


That was January 2022! When my old demon friends started showing up again, that same friend renewed the offer! Despite dabbling with with ice skates, I was again in a spot to at least give it a try! So, we turned up to a beginners class of school kids, speed skate practices and racing games… (3/5)


A link to a speed skating club’s crash course appeared in WhatsApp, followed by shopping suggestions for skates. I had walked out after a row with my partner over boundaries. I was couch-surfing, emotional, bordering self harm, reeling for kindness. This quasi skate-date, really touched me! (2/5)


"Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down Back up, back up, tell me what ya gonna do now (c’mon) Keep rollin’… " “I hope you are doing OK?” My friend asked me, him having a hunch, it was not the case! “Maybe we could try one of these, if we ever have the time?” (1/5)

Speed skating course challenges the Demons!
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Vector addict and ink blotch collector with a soft spot for pencils & watercolours.
190 followers359 following139 posts