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Vector addict and ink blotch collector with a soft spot for pencils & watercolours.
190 followers359 following139 posts

If it calls upon demons, then I am all for a sacrificial cleansing. During the talk, our demons sat obedient in their corners! They don’t like being shared about in competition! (5/5) Yes, we have all had better times in life, sharing is caring at times!


Amongst the admissions was a touching confession that my friend had destroyed one of my originals from back then. The piece had become unbarebly connected to pain they were suffering, that they burnt it in a bonfire! How do I as an artist face the destruction of my work? (4/5)


“I don’t know, how much you have heard, but a lot has happened since we last saw each other…” Well, that dam broke! Black honesty it would hence be! A moving exchange of ten years full of emotions followed. As the afternoon drew to a close, we had introduced our demons to each other! (3/5)


There are two ways I have learned to take the initiative from here: the way of the white lie or that of the black truth and of course fifty shades in between! I knew my inquisitor had hardships after we lost contact. Cards returned to sender were a clear indication, something had happened! (2/5)


I was so out of my depth, out of any of my comfort zones! Crashing through the gym hall, I caught a glimpse of my demons being simply drowned out by the chasing skater-kids! They are even worse at in-lines than me! They just don’t roll with it! (5/5) I have had better times, we are getting there!


If you know me in real life, I have the build of an ice hockey player. But unlike a pro, I lack the fitness and endurance! In no time I was grasping for balance and air, flailing helplessly. Skates more in control of me than I was of them! While a sea of little kids whizzed around me! (4/5)


That was January 2022! When my old demon friends started showing up again, that same friend renewed the offer! Despite dabbling with with ice skates, I was again in a spot to at least give it a try! So, we turned up to a beginners class of school kids, speed skate practices and racing games… (3/5)


A link to a speed skating club’s crash course appeared in WhatsApp, followed by shopping suggestions for skates. I had walked out after a row with my partner over boundaries. I was couch-surfing, emotional, bordering self harm, reeling for kindness. This quasi skate-date, really touched me! (2/5)


As I was finishing a long-promised sketch in a collectors sketch book, I noticed, my Demons were small and frightful. They don’t like me being social and happy! (5/5) Yes, I have had better days Yes, I have help and support Yes, Drawing is a way to cope…


I reached out to my small circle of friends knowing my predicaments and asked, if they would indulge my company. Raiding art supply shops, listening to lectures, catching up over coffee or beer and partying, I tapped into the social vibes. Sketching left me with that creative feeling again. (4/5)

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Vector addict and ink blotch collector with a soft spot for pencils & watercolours.
190 followers359 following139 posts