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Bent Sigmund Olsen
Byråkrat, bor i dypsuburbia og passert 50. Luft i magen. Dette er min konto for middelaldrende livsstilsproblemer. Alt annet på Mastodon.
102 followers159 following147 posts
Reposted by Bent Sigmund Olsen

I mean, *I* knew. I'm a cartoonist, so of course I do. But gotta wonder how many people might've read this obituary through like three or four times, going "...wait. What?"

The obituary for Margaret Groening, mother of the creator of "The Simpsons," Matt Groening. The details make it clear many Simpsons characters were named after family.

Ta med kabaret. Det vil utvilsomt slå godt an.


Tester ut Connie Henden-cocktailmenyen. Fernet & Campari (og en dasj Absint) på Dyreparken Hotell.

Fernet og Campari m lommelerke.
Reposted by Bent Sigmund Olsen

"But there is something extremely funny about the idea of Musk, who is undeniably very rich and famous but also a world-historically wack and charmless individual, hyping up a crowd of foot-sore and increasingly bored small-business fascists standing around in a field.",

Check Out These Cool Moves! | Defector
Check Out These Cool Moves! | Defector

Last week, the Washington Post wrote about why so many of the people that wait in line for hours to get into Donald Trump’s political rallies wind up leaving before they’re over. The answers are not n...

Reposted by Bent Sigmund Olsen

GOP: We oppose RELATIVISM, POSTMODERNISM, and REVISIONIST HISTORY. We are for TRUTH, FACTS, and OBJECTIVITY. Literally Anyone: Who won the 2020 US Presidential Election? GOP: Questions like this are fundamentally undecidable; indeed, it is impossible to meaningfully ask them. As Lyotard showed, th


Et slags Henden-cocktail-øyeblikk var den gang jeg som nyinnflyttet på vei til julebord sto på busstoppet i suburbia og spurte ukjent nabo han ville ha en klunk Tremblent de Terre (konjakk og absint). Han takket nei og snakket ikke mer til meg.


Det er notert. To bemerkninger: Cocktailkart er den ene tingen jeg har pleid bruke LaTex til. Når det gjelder Connie Henden, så tror jeg det er viktig å gå for cocktails som funker fra lerke.


Ja, men her kommer dog omtrentligheten min inn i bildet for måtte bruke ordinær bourboun (Bulleit). Sånn sett mer en prototype-Toronto, men selv det ga mersmak.

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Bent Sigmund Olsen
Byråkrat, bor i dypsuburbia og passert 50. Luft i magen. Dette er min konto for middelaldrende livsstilsproblemer. Alt annet på Mastodon.
102 followers159 following147 posts