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CaptainButterBuns 🔮❤️💮
Cap/Mandy/Moe ~They/Them ~ 30+ Too Old for BS ~ Pan ~ DemiAce ~ AuDHD ~ Artist & Writer🔞~ Multi-Fandom / Multi-Ship / Pro-Fic / MDNI / kofi & etsy 🔗 in Carrd #captainslog I #capsart I #capsfics I #capsocs I #fransolo
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Frans grows close to every companion but there are 4 he had massive rough starts with. 1. Astarion- too much alike and bickering constantly. 2. Shadowheart tried to kill him after he stole the artifact. 3. Mithara also tried to kill him. 4. Lae'zel just scares him. They eventually work it out.


Frans is half drow on his father's side and was born a bastard son out of wedlock and to a human prostitute. He has 4 half siblings. 3 older sisters out of who only one is alive and a younger brother who was killed moments after birth by their last remaining sister. (More info below)

While everyone else was eager to move on, Frans was not. How could he after being punched in the gut with such huge discovery. A family? Sisters? What the hells was this damned fool talking about. 

"No. No. No. Hold up a minute," Frans stopped in his tracks, turning to Jevan who had slowed down to face him and preventing the others from going any further. A angry finger was wiggled at the drider, backed by a nasty scowl. "Feckin' sistas? What ya mean by that, ya two-timing bastard? Did ya leave me mum for that? Ah? Feckin' leave us ta rot so ya can go pamper yer purist family, that's it? Or was she some sloppy tart ya licked up to get yer jollies off cause yer woman wasn't cuttin' it?"

Oh, Frans was fuming and Jevan couldn't blame him. This had been a topic he eventually wanted to discuss with his son at a later date, preferably after things had calmed down between them but at last, there would be no helping it now if they wanted to continue any further. 

"The answer is not so simple, I'm afraid, and a long one which we have little time for," Jevan spoke, keeping his voice level, contrary to Frans's heated tone.

"We'll make time," Frans was clearly digging his heels in on this, stubborn as ever.

Silence fell between them but it was heated by a fire stocked by years of broken promises and neglect. Eventually, Jevan sighed in defeat, knowing that he either sort this out now or force Frans to keep going and the latter was not the best option if they were to close the cavern between them.
"You must understand, your mother was and will remain my one, true beloved. The day duty severed our physical bond was the exact moment my spirit perished for I knew I was not destined to bask in her radiant light for my...Lolth...forbid it and my mistress kept me close after my fallings. There was no such connection between Cazna and me past the contractual responsibilities of providing an heir to her house...those halls were hallow and the fragments of my soul walked them alone, wishing only to return to the surface but finding no strength to do so for fear my demons would follow to rip my love from me," Jevan spoke honestly, far more honest than even his usual bluntness he flurished like a cold blade.

There was no response from Frans who simply stood there, taking in every word and analyzing it for any form of deceit. He wanted to find lies, to tear apart what the man who abandoned them was saying but the more Jevan spoke, the more the little half-elf was picking up on the pained sorrow in his father's voice even if it was only a contained sliver. 

"It had been centuries since the birth of Calhrae, Mayra, and Rylrak, long before you were even a thought, Frans. I was foolish to think I could simply leave after ensuring Cazna's house would florish...and a fool I was. Such a blink in time did I spend indulging myself once free and I was to do only that but Róisín had ensnared me with her charms and laid me bare to a world I knew not of until her warm affections caressed my lonely heart. But it was not meant to be as I was beckoned to return for death had crept into the house of Vandree, its heir taken in that cold embrace."
In the heat of emotions, Jevan was waxing as if a poet had possessed him, his heart spilling out to not only his illegitimate son but to the love he lost. Admens he knew he could make to her directly, so they had to be laid before that which she left behind.

"With Calhrae's passing, Cazna demanded I return for foul play was suspected and my responsibility was to protect the lineage from dying out. Tragedy comes in pairs when Mayra expired a few years after I retook my place at her mother's side. Unfortunately, this sealed my fate and I could not leave for duty alone demanded."

Frans narrowed his gaze, sorting through everything. So, he did have three sisters but two where dead. Where was his father going with this?

"So? Ya stayed in yer own personal hell to make a baby like a used bitch?" Frans was not as elegant with his words as Jevan was, his temper still a little too high. He shrugged, sniffing disrespectfully as he added. "Ya was a dog, makes sense ta me but go on."

Jevan forced his face to remain unfazed by that comment but it stung deep because it was true. 

"All that remained was Rylrak and Cazna wanted insurance that her name would carry on, so she bore a fourth child but fate is cruel. She gave birth to a son and died cursing his existence before the boy could open his eyes. Her last remaining heir cut out her brother's heart before their mother's body went cold. Rylrak, third born daughter of the house of Vandree, had lived up to her name by bringing a tempest of death to her family, a bad omen from birth sent to bathe in their blood and she took her seat at the head of the house with no one left to defy her."
Silence once more as those words sunk in. Not even Frans spoke, his gaze having softened a hair as he kept it on the drider's. The tale was soon continued after a moment's pause, a weight being lifted as Jevan finished letting it go.

"I left that very night to once more take up my paladin's blade for I was no longer bond by my marital duties. It wasn't long after was I sent back to the surface to seek out the Absolute...and that's when I found you. To see my love once more had only been a long forgotten dream and one that cannot be obtained but...." Jevan finally let his face fall, the stone it was etched in melting away to show inklings of the pain he was feeling from his own lost. "I knew not of your existence as it had been kept from me. Once it was known, Lolth wanted to cleanse the world of my definance...I could not for it would erase the beauty Róisín left behind and that....that would be the grandest tragedy and foulest sin."

Jevan finally quiets down, his shoulders dropping as if he had used up his energy from reopening those emotional wounds that were still so fresh.

Frans though? He didn't know what to say. Honestly, he was even more confused now expect for one thing he knew was true.

"So, I'm never meeting sister dearest. Got it. I don't need any more information than that, thanks," Frans threw his hands up as he took a step back, shifting immediately to turn on his heels and start back off as if he hadn't just had an emotionally driven backstory thrown at him. It wasn't that he didn't care because it was absolutely terrifying and a lot...he just didn't want to have to face it all and think about his father in a different light when he so badly wanted to hold onto that hate.

Watching quietly, Jevan keeps his weary eyes on his sons. There was no doubt in his heart though. He said what needed to be said and for that he was content.
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CaptainButterBuns 🔮❤️💮
Cap/Mandy/Moe ~They/Them ~ 30+ Too Old for BS ~ Pan ~ DemiAce ~ AuDHD ~ Artist & Writer🔞~ Multi-Fandom / Multi-Ship / Pro-Fic / MDNI / kofi & etsy 🔗 in Carrd #captainslog I #capsart I #capsfics I #capsocs I #fransolo
212 followers438 following397 posts