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Captain Hogwash
Good riddance Twitter. Trying to get a drama-free current affairs fix here instead. Not a bot. Fuck AI.
38 followers101 following11 posts

The young people now coming of voting age have literally known nothing but nastiness and incompetence from the Tories. Their living memory is austerity, Brexit, culture wars, and the corpulent, selfish greed of the pandemic government. You won’t change that bad feeling by more of the fucking same.

Reposted by Captain Hogwash
Reposted by Captain Hogwash

So I implore you all to do as I did, log out of twitter, deactivate or even delete your account. Those follower numbers are now meaningless after the exodus and even just stopping by to look how bad it’s got helps Elon and his numbers. Twitter is over.


That doesn’t seem to suggest he would move to other platforms, merely use the Xcretion less. But it’s a good indicator of the general mood.


You will amplify any and all of the negative shit you come into contact with, which will far outweigh any debates you win or facts you present. You will drive the very interactions you are seeking to stand firm against, and in the end, only one person will benefit. The Electric Space Bellend.


Thanks! Hope so too, although many of them do seem to have accounts over here, just with nothing posted for 9 or so months. I think the siren call of the follower count might have dragged many of them back from that first wave last year. Still found tons of quality follows, though.

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Captain Hogwash
Good riddance Twitter. Trying to get a drama-free current affairs fix here instead. Not a bot. Fuck AI.
38 followers101 following11 posts