Catie Bailard
Political scientist, associate prof. of political communication in SMPA @ GW, IDDP research cluster lead, SF sports fan. Research interests mostly focus on the intersection of ICT and (threats to) democracy.
143 followers347 following94 posts

I always felt like Bleet was a missed opportunity.


Yup. All poll responses are not ā€œequal,ā€ pollsters have to weight by probability of voting. Not only have trad. metrics for determining weights been out of whack past few elections. In this one, pollsters cont. to systematically underestimate how mobilizing abortion is for a swath of likely voters.


But, cults of personality donā€™t transfer well. No one, including his kids, will be able to pick up the mantle. And, without Trump, the other RW personalities will not be able to coalesce. Theyā€™ll continue to jockey & in-fight and fracture. And, I am really looking forward to watching the implosion.


Trumpā€™s not projecting the power he once did. His base is fracturing & desperate for the attention of the base whoā€™ll be looking for a new leader. This rhetoric & vitriol will only grow as they cast about, throwing racist spaghetti at the wall, trying to cement their place in the post-Trump era.


Our daughter is not yet 2, but also loves ā€œreadingā€ her Ms. Dolly books. She is a national treasure.


She is a legend. Our son son just aged out, but still looks for her pic on the back a book, and says ā€œThank you Ms. Dolly!ā€


in engaging w/sincerely nor providing a candidate a forum to do so. I hope for a different future when the news will ask those questions in good faith and we can actually engage in serious and sincere public dialogue about them with our officials.


I understand your perspective. It would be heartening to hear a more thoughtful & nuanced response. But, that was not the mediaā€™s objective in asking that question, nor would it be treated that way regardless of her answer. This is an important question, which our media has no actual interestā€¦


That was also a measured response as far as not publicly stating a change in diplomatic objectives in the midst of diplomatic negotiations. Saying otherwise in that context wouldā€™ve mostly served the profit interests of media, not the actual interests of those directly affected by the negotiations.


I was at a bar in SF, and a conga line broke out, strangers of all races and ages just conga-lineing together. On my walk home, hugged so many random happy strangers. Will never forget that feeling.

Catie Bailard
Political scientist, associate prof. of political communication in SMPA @ GW, IDDP research cluster lead, SF sports fan. Research interests mostly focus on the intersection of ICT and (threats to) democracy.
143 followers347 following94 posts