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Chris Krycho
Software craftsman. Theologian, writer, runner, composer, photographer. Prev. @ LinkedIn; Ember.js TypeScript and Framework alum. My real home online is always
184 followers56 following806 posts
Reposted by Chris Krycho

Whatā€™s that? The Berlin Phil released a recording of two viola concertos (Walton and MartinÅÆ)? Good grief, yes. And it is very good, of course! (We donā€™t have nearly enough viola concertos. I have thought about writing oneā€¦ someday.)

Amihai Grosz: Walton Ā· MartinÅÆ
Amihai Grosz: Walton Ā· MartinÅÆ

Our series aims to introduce the soloists of the Berliner Philharmoniker in selected recordings. The spotlight here is on Amihai Grosz, the orchestraā€™s 1st Principal Viola. He studied with David Chen ...


A few years ago I set a tough-seeming goal for a #Strava#Boulderthon#halfmarathon taper, and I blew past that goal at what is now a moderate effort. Persistence + good training FTW.

Reposted by Chris Krycho

fwiw, this is the macro definition necessary to implement something like this:

Screenshot of the following code:

macro_rules! devices_maker {
           | Partition   | KeyTy      | ValTy      |
           | $(-)*       | $(-)*      | $(-)*      |
        $( | $part:ident | $key_ty:ty | $val_ty:ty |)*) => {
Reposted by Chris Krycho

My favorite "decl macro" shape is "markdown table". It's perfect for data like this. Also this is my "ORM" for fjall, the key + value types are used to bind the postcard ser/de code.

A secreenshot of the following code:

devices_maker! {
    | Partition | KeyTy     | ValTy             |
    | --------- | -----     | -----             |
    | observed  | Uuid      | ObservedDevice    |
    | devices   | Serial64  | DeviceState2      |
    | logs      | LogKey    | String            |
    | topics    | TopicKey  | Vec<u8>           |

Obviously `replicate` and `repeat` arenā€™t the same verb, but theyā€™re close. The same ambiguity youā€™re pointing at exists for `repeat`, too. If I say in EnglishĀ ā€œrepeat ā€˜thisā€™ three timesā€ nearly everyone would say ā€œthis this thisā€, and I think the same for a drawing of a circle. šŸ¤”


I initially thought 4, wondered why it would be 5, and now am very confused. My initial answer was because I am thinking about it in terms of other APIs I know, e.g. `String.prototype.repeat` in JS, `str::repeat` and friends in Rust. I also just checked and Pythonā€™s `itertools` also matches that.

Reposted by Chris Krycho

I really hope "the problem is new code" catches on. I described defects decaying over time in "C++ Must Become Safer," but this article from the Google Security Blog explains it more clearly:

Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source
Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source

Posted by Jeff Vander Stoep - Android team, and Alex Rebert - Security Foundations Memory safety vulnerabilities remain a pervasive threa...


Yeah, I get why they are the way they are, but I also think the Rust design where statements are a thing, but theyā€™re basically (hand-wave) just a special kind of expression with `()` as their value, ends up threading the expression-orientation-but-ā€œnormalā€-feeling needle better for most languages.


Thereā€™s a bunch more, but thatā€™s a good bit of coverage for today. I donā€™t use `less` much these days (I mostly use for a pager)ā€¦ except when reading man pages, ironically! But itā€™s good to know a bit more about how it works. šŸ¤“

GitHub - sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
GitHub - sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.

A cat(1) clone with wings. Contribute to sharkdp/bat development by creating an account on GitHub.


I havenā€™t even mentioned the CLI flags! Thereā€™s a ton here, but the one Iā€™m keeping is that `+` resets options to their default!

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Chris Krycho
Software craftsman. Theologian, writer, runner, composer, photographer. Prev. @ LinkedIn; Ember.js TypeScript and Framework alum. My real home online is always
184 followers56 following806 posts