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Chris Krycho
Software craftsman. Theologian, writer, runner, composer, photographer. Prev. @ LinkedIn; Ember.js TypeScript and Framework alum. My real home online is always
184 followers56 following806 posts
Reposted by Chris Krycho

Whatā€™s that? The Berlin Phil released a recording of two viola concertos (Walton and MartinÅÆ)? Good grief, yes. And it is very good, of course! (We donā€™t have nearly enough viola concertos. I have thought about writing oneā€¦ someday.)

Amihai Grosz: Walton Ā· MartinÅÆ
Amihai Grosz: Walton Ā· MartinÅÆ

Our series aims to introduce the soloists of the Berliner Philharmoniker in selected recordings. The spotlight here is on Amihai Grosz, the orchestraā€™s 1st Principal Viola. He studied with David Chen ...


A few years ago I set a tough-seeming goal for a #Strava#Boulderthon#halfmarathon taper, and I blew past that goal at what is now a moderate effort. Persistence + good training FTW.

Reposted by Chris Krycho

fwiw, this is the macro definition necessary to implement something like this:

Screenshot of the following code:

macro_rules! devices_maker {
           | Partition   | KeyTy      | ValTy      |
           | $(-)*       | $(-)*      | $(-)*      |
        $( | $part:ident | $key_ty:ty | $val_ty:ty |)*) => {
Reposted by Chris Krycho

My favorite "decl macro" shape is "markdown table". It's perfect for data like this. Also this is my "ORM" for fjall, the key + value types are used to bind the postcard ser/de code.

A secreenshot of the following code:

devices_maker! {
    | Partition | KeyTy     | ValTy             |
    | --------- | -----     | -----             |
    | observed  | Uuid      | ObservedDevice    |
    | devices   | Serial64  | DeviceState2      |
    | logs      | LogKey    | String            |
    | topics    | TopicKey  | Vec<u8>           |
Reposted by Chris Krycho

I really hope "the problem is new code" catches on. I described defects decaying over time in "C++ Must Become Safer," but this article from the Google Security Blog explains it more clearly:

Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source
Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source

Posted by Jeff Vander Stoep - Android team, and Alex Rebert - Security Foundations Memory safety vulnerabilities remain a pervasive threa...


#ThursdayRTFM: `man less`. The summary is ā€œopposite of moreā€, and the description opens with ā€œā€¦a program similar to more(1), but which allows backward movement in the fileā€¦ā€ Not that helpfulā€”especially since `more` is aliased to `less` on a lot of modern OSes, including macOS.


Lots of ups and downs in the job search latelyā€”so Iā€™m asking everyone in my networks: What interesting companies are doing valuable things in the dev tools space, or even adjacent to the dev tools space, and are hiring? [note: strong preference not to be writing Java or Go]

Reposted by Chris Krycho

I'm sure others have done it better, but one thing I feel like maybe I ought to do, once the blog is off hiatus (maybe in the new year) is write a bit about the moral universe of the Lord of the Rings and how Tolkien understands supernatural power. Call it "Why Boromir Conquered."

Reposted by Chris Krycho

This is actually something neat about how Tolkien, to my mind, understands and presents power and contests of power. Supernatural characters don't have don't have a static 'power level' like a D&D character and their strength often isn't show in straight fights.


I spent about two hours this afternoon fighting Graphviz to get two boxes with an arrow between them to be in the right order.[^1] Then I commented and uncommented a `rankdir = LR;` attribute. That fixed it. [^1]: No, GenAI wouldnā€™t help. I tried, just in case!

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Chris Krycho
Software craftsman. Theologian, writer, runner, composer, photographer. Prev. @ LinkedIn; Ember.js TypeScript and Framework alum. My real home online is always
184 followers56 following806 posts