Daniel Binns
media alchemist // sporadic pianist, guitarist, bicycle rider // chronic skyrim re-player // keymaster // hitchhiker
12 followers45 following37 posts

Wrapping up that short unblocked something in my brain; freed me up to think about what I might want to write and make next. What a lovely feeling.


I've tried a bunch of creative outlets over the past few years, but working with AV media again—working with what is still called, accurately or not, for better or worse-film, caused me to remember how much I love it.


The other, a 12ish minute short, had been sitting on a hard drive since early 2020. I thought a few times of just abandoning it, letting it go, but something made me open up the edit this week and see what needed doing. In the end, not that much.


🧵 2/2: between me and anything meaningful than pretty much any other process I employ -- e.g. writing this, right now. It's a process I can't completely grasp or control; feels more like sorcery/guidance than creation.


> the idea of getting students to compile their own dataset to train their own mini-model was a bit of a game-changer for the way I thought about the studio. So thanks! I’ll be sure to send through any insights that may be of use, feedback, metrics etc.


no no no help don’t do this I just did a huge RSS clear out *downloads OPML*


If you keep working, push through, keep finding and re-finding your voice, that’s what lasts.


Leibovitz, I’m sure, didn’t mean to throw the 99% of photographers and artists who aren’t in the top echelons under the bus. I think in 50 years of working, you see new tech and new gear and new innovations come and go, and you learn to adapt.

Daniel Binns
media alchemist // sporadic pianist, guitarist, bicycle rider // chronic skyrim re-player // keymaster // hitchhiker
12 followers45 following37 posts