Daniel Haran
Chocolate maker. Past work included software, open data, AI, politics.
45 followers119 following792 posts

I expected Québec's excess mortality figures to drop yesterday, but the next release date now appears to be October 10th. Not sure if I put in the wrong date, or if the government just quietly changed the page. Wayback doesn't have it, nor is there versioning.

Surmortalité hebdomadaire, 2020‑2024
Surmortalité hebdomadaire, 2020‑2024

En comparant le nombre total de décès observés à celui attendu normalement, on peut estimer l’effet d’une période de crise sur la mortalité.


In particular, I'm wondering if the 0-49 age group is still the only remaining one with consistent excess mortality. It appears acute Covid isn't killing people of prime working age, but the sequelae are the only obvious culprit for this excess mortality.

Quebec weekly excess mortality graph for people 0-49. The line is very spiky / noisy, and generally around 15% above the expected baseline.
Daniel Haran
Chocolate maker. Past work included software, open data, AI, politics.
45 followers119 following792 posts