Daniel Haran
Chocolate maker. Past work included software, open data, AI, politics.
45 followers119 following792 posts

Throw money at YIMBY academics, think tanks, activists, politicians, etc. Simultaneously: bankroll developers willing to create car-free missing middle housing. Hopefully, find a way to invest in companies that profit from denser cities, or short those that lose. Recycle any profits to YIMBYs.


At what point does Airbnb get held responsible, when guests complain of lack of exits? When do we tell a fire department that an awareness and evacuation exercise for a short-term rental accommodation is obviously absurd? And city hall, jfc, how many times can they fuck this up?


There was another fire in a Montreal Airbnb today, and the more I learn about it, the angrier I get. I know it's easy to look at disasters and imagine failings to prevent it as culpable... still, lots of institutions failed miserably, just after another deadly event.

Updated: Police don't yet know how many people died in Old Montreal fire
Updated: Police don't yet know how many people died in Old Montreal fire

The fire broke out around 2:40 a.m. in a three-storey building on Notre-Dame St. near Bonsecours St.


In particular, I'm wondering if the 0-49 age group is still the only remaining one with consistent excess mortality. It appears acute Covid isn't killing people of prime working age, but the sequelae are the only obvious culprit for this excess mortality.

Quebec weekly excess mortality graph for people 0-49. The line is very spiky / noisy, and generally around 15% above the expected baseline.

I expected Québec's excess mortality figures to drop yesterday, but the next release date now appears to be October 10th. Not sure if I put in the wrong date, or if the government just quietly changed the page. Wayback doesn't have it, nor is there versioning.

Surmortalité hebdomadaire, 2020‑2024
Surmortalité hebdomadaire, 2020‑2024

En comparant le nombre total de décès observés à celui attendu normalement, on peut estimer l’effet d’une période de crise sur la mortalité.


Melania wrote something? Trump read it? They spoke? She's beloved? She has a heart? He's tolerant of dissent? It takes real talent to nest so many statements/lies in a single answer. Intellectual self-defence against bullshitters is exhausting.


Too much of this story didn't add up, so I went digging this morning. The Concordia obit juxtaposes his academic work and the student protest, appearing to suggest he was a protester... but he had a completely different role:

We Didn’t Start the Fire | Fringe Arts
We Didn’t Start the Fire | Fringe Arts

In 1969, students protested against biology teacher Perry Anderson—infamously accused of racism—and the institution that backed him, with riots that escalated into vandalism and arson in the Hall buil...


I love that Concordia released this obituary for Clarance Bayne, praising how he was one of the people who occupied the computer center to protest against anti-Black racism in the same week they arrested three students for saying Free Palestine.

Clarence Bayne (1932–2024): ‘It is by our actions that we define ourselves and by our inaction that we allow others to define us’ - Concordia University
Clarence Bayne (1932–2024): ‘It is by our actions that we define ourselves and by our inaction that we allow others to define us’ - Concordia University

The Concordia professor emeritus was a trailblazing activist and organizer with the Black community for more than 50 years.


So maybe today's students will get an apology in ~2070?


Huh. "On October 28, 2022 Concordia released an official apology for its mishandling of race-based student complaints and subsequent outcomes of the 1969 Sir George Williams student protest." Interestingly, the Concordia description of the events doesn't mesh well with the Wikipedia page...

Daniel Haran
Chocolate maker. Past work included software, open data, AI, politics.
45 followers119 following792 posts