David Epstein
Literature major, then neuroscience Ph.D., then addiction researcher. Enough-knowledge-to-endanger-myself in social sciences and statistics. He/him. Views my own.
110 followers118 following20 posts

And Christina didn't see a thing. (I have no good explanation for why I did this.)

Andrew Wyeth's Christina Photoshopped onto the slope of the grass in Kurt's photo

Regression to the mean has always baffled me. Unless it works like this. People with the most extreme values at Time X will usually have less-extreme values at Time X+1, but others, initially less extreme, will drift out and replace them. So it's more like "shuffling at the extremes." Yes, no?


Bonus difficulty: it's a controlled substance. We can't just sip it ourselves.


Does anyone know of a blinded study in which a liquid medication (probably somewhat bitter) was matched to liquid placebo with any reported detail about how the respective flavors were checked? Every paper I've found has seemed to say "trust us, they matched."


"Did you come up with a snappy title for our paper?" "I sure did!" "Great! And you checked to make sure it hasn't been used before?" "Oh, this is guaranteed fresh."

Screenshot of paper titles from a Google Scholar search:
From lab to life: Evaluating the reliability and validity of psychophysiological data from wearable devices in laboratory and ambulatory settings.
From Lab to Life: Bridging Gaps in Motion Capture to Increase Public Usability through Integrated Hardware and Software Solutions.
From Lab to Life: Phoneme Recognition Systems Making a Difference in Assistive Technologies.
From lab to life: Decoding the predictive power of present bias on adolescent self-control behaviors.
From lab to life: how wearable devices can improve health equity.
From Lab to Life: Challenges and Perspectives of fNIRS for Hemodynamic Neurofeedback in Real-World Environments.
From lab to life: Fine-grained behavior monitoring in the elderly's home.
Serial versus concurrent multitasking: From lab to life.
Translations in gerontology: From lab to life: Psychophysiology and speed of response.

"Convenience sample" is such a sneering term for something that's often excruciatingly effortful. I hear it in Dana Carvey's Church Lady voice.


This thing is making a reappearance on Twitter, and no one appears to know that the answer is zero. Good luck claiming your earned-income tax credit on those gains, cowboy.

I bought a cow for $800. I sold it for $1000. I bought it again for $1100.1
sold it again for $1300. How much did I earn?

You could say that scientists have a compulsion to fold things, but that would be unfair. Scientists have a compulsion to fold things a specified number of times. (Screenshot: quasirandom selection from papers I've recently read.)

text excerpts:

"The importance of the results from Study I are threefold."

"The argument against class criterion-oriented psychometrics is thus two-fold."

"the number of pharmacies distributing buprenorphine was 43.1-fold greater than OTPs distributing methadone in 2010. However, this ratio decreased to 33.3-fold in 2021."

"MOR agonist that is 100-fold more potent than morphine"

"Aims were threefold.  In study one..."

"The aim of the simulation study was threefold."

"two-fold higher than crystal MDMA"

We're neck and neck! We ran some long EMA studies in which we got a mean of 295 random-prompt entries per person (median 309, range 11-405) (doi 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.00230.x) plus EMA reports of drug use and craving (about 21 per person, doi 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2008.509).

David Epstein
Literature major, then neuroscience Ph.D., then addiction researcher. Enough-knowledge-to-endanger-myself in social sciences and statistics. He/him. Views my own.
110 followers118 following20 posts