David Whitney
Software Consultant. Author. Rum, Alt Culture, Games & Metal. C#, TypeScript, OSS, MVP DevTechnologies. 🔗 - Other Socials @david_whitney on Twitter, when that helps the inevitable migration tools.
206 followers183 following523 posts

Saying something is "best practice" is shorthand for "I'm unable to articulate why this is good". It might well be good, actually, but unless you can explain the trade-offs and characteristics of a particular design it's a zero-calorie statement that nobody should listen to.


David Whitney
Software Consultant. Author. Rum, Alt Culture, Games & Metal. C#, TypeScript, OSS, MVP DevTechnologies. 🔗 - Other Socials @david_whitney on Twitter, when that helps the inevitable migration tools.
206 followers183 following523 posts