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Deb B
Building a safe space away from Twitter. Just here to like and repost. Pro EU, anti-Tory. Hate the Mail with a passion. Daily Express is just idiotic. Enjoyed Poor Things AND Barbie. So nerrrr.
111 followers347 following35 posts
Reposted by Deb B

Regular reminder that the very reason Musk is South African is because his maternal grandfather was a racist fascist who loved the idea of a racist apartheid state so much he moved his entire family there from Canada in the early 1950s. The views he held—detailed below—sound very very familiar

Part of a Business Insider piece on Musk’s family. 

“Elon Musk's grandfather, the late Joshua Haldeman, spent his time ranting about minority groups he didn't like, speculating about a global conspiracy led by shadowy figures (read:
Jewish people), and joining the cause of technocracy.
According to a deep dive from the Atlantic on the life of Haldeman, the Canadian chiropractor was a "radical conspiracy theorist" who spent the beginning of his career as part of a group known as "Technocracy Incorporated."
“Canada eventually banned the party after it opposed the country's involvement in World War Il and considered it and its members a threat to national security. Haldeman was arrested and convicted for his participation, the Atlantic reported.
This kickstarted his involvement in other movements, including Canada's Social Credit Party, which espoused baseless conspiracy theories about Jewish people. The party came to be widely criticized for its blatant antisemitism.
Haldeman, who became the SCP national chair, took it upon himself to defend the party's beliefs.
Haldeman, the Atlantic wrote, "maintained that the Sociai
But in 1950, Haldeman's "quirky" politics led him to make an unusual and dramatic choice: to leave
Canada for South Africa. Haldeman had built a comfortable life for himself in Regina,
Saskatchewan's capital. His chiropractic practice was one of Canada's largest and allowed him to possess his own airplane and a 20-room home he shared with his wife and four young children. He'd been active in politics, running for both the provincial and national parliaments and even becoming the national chairman of a minor political party. Meanwhile, he'd never even been to South Africa.
What would make a man undertake such a radical change? Isaacson writes that Haldeman had come
"to believe that the Canadian government was usurping too much control over the lives of individuals and that the country had gone soft." One of Haldeman's sons has written that it may have simply been "his adventurous spirit and the desire for a more pleasant climate in which to raise his family." But another factor was at p
I studied across hundreds of documents from the time, including newspaper clips, self-published manuscripts, university archives, and private correspondence. Haldeman believed that apartheid South Africa was destined to lead "White Christian Civilization" in its fight against the "International Conspiracy" of Jewish bankers and the "hordes of Coloured people" they controlled.
"Instead of the Government's attitude keeping me out of South Africa, it had precisely the opposite effect-it encouraged me to come and settle here," he told a reporter for the South African newspaper Die Transvaler shortly after his arrival. The far-right Afrikaner newspaper treated Haldeman's arrival as a PR victory for apartheid. (*PRAISES ACTION OF NATIONALIST PARTY REGIME: Canadian Politician Settles in South Africa," the headline read.)
Reposted by Deb B

"four of Maga’s most influential voices are fiftysomething white men with formative experiences in apartheid South Africa. This probably isn’t a coincidence."

Musk, Thiel and the shadow of apartheid South Africa
Musk, Thiel and the shadow of apartheid South Africa

[FREE TO READ] The parallels between South Africa then and the US today are striking

Reposted by Deb B

Roger has turned a single incident into a universal truth and then written a column about it.

Reposted by Deb B

“Kursk was a good idea, it exposed Russia as being weaker than many people believed,” said a commander of a Ukrainian ground forces unit. “But we are paying the price of it with [more of our own land].” But is the price worth paying?

Reposted by Deb B

McVey strikes again. The former Minister for *Common Sense*. A fact that will never not be embarrassing for the Tory party. I think she’s trying to be funny. And seems to have forgotten her own track record in her truly tragic attempt at point-scoring.

McVey posts:
“When Labour’s election slogan was change, how many realised it referred to changing rooms and getting changed from one outfit to another?”
McVey claimed ÂŁ8750 in expenses for personal photographer
McVey claims thousands for London rent despite MP husband owning flat one mile away
Mcvey and husband took ÂŁ18k in VIP freebies in two months
Reposted by Deb B

I'm a fan of, and this is a thoughtful take on the Great Bluesky Migration™️, with reference to progressives fleeing a Muskian hellscape only to form their own Guardianista-shaped silo. And yet... /1

With Bluesky, the social media echo chamber is back in vogue
With Bluesky, the social media echo chamber is back in vogue

The great migration from Elon Musk’s X has seen users, especially progressives, retreat into one particular silo

Reposted by Deb B

Farage (🐸) will not hold any in-person constituency surgeries saying "Am I allowing the public to flow through the door with their knives in their pockets? No, I'm not” 🐸 said Speaker's Office advised him not to for security reasons. The Speaker's Office and Parliament security deny this claim. 🧐

Row erupts over Farage constituency surgeries after he told LBC the public ‘will flow through door with knives'
Row erupts over Farage constituency surgeries after he told LBC the public ‘will flow through door with knives'

A row has erupted over Nigel Farage’s decision to not hold any in-person constituency surgeries.


Maybe Dylan Jones is an Aussie 😀

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Deb B
Building a safe space away from Twitter. Just here to like and repost. Pro EU, anti-Tory. Hate the Mail with a passion. Daily Express is just idiotic. Enjoyed Poor Things AND Barbie. So nerrrr.
111 followers347 following35 posts