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Deb B
Building a safe space away from Twitter. Just here to like and repost. Pro EU, anti-Tory. Hate the Mail with a passion. Daily Express is just idiotic. Enjoyed Poor Things AND Barbie. So nerrrr.
111 followers347 following35 posts
Reposted by Deb B

This Tory conference is a total shitsunami of the maddest, nastiest, most unrepentant, authoritarian nonsense we’ve seen so far. This isn’t a party working out where they went wrong. They’re flicking Vs at the starting line and goose-stepping off in the other direction.

Reposted by Deb B

Truthpaste! Love this labelling - let's roll it out across all products

Reverse side of a toothpaste packaging showing a table which lists each ingredient, where it comes from and what it does.
Reposted by Deb B

JFC! Even if we can eliminate all CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels with carbon dioxide removal (CDR) or carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) (we can't; not even close), we shouldn't keep setting carbon on fire because air pollution from combustion will still kill millions of people every year.

A tweet from Matthew Yglesias, a very unserious person:

As a very serious person, I'm confused about this.

Isn't that obviously the point? If you can make carbon capture work, then you can keep burning fossil fuels and not worry about the climate impact — which would be good because climate change is bad.
Reposted by Deb B
Reposted by Deb B

So we’ve a £22bn ‘budget blackhole’ and we have this…. 🙄

Reposted by Deb B

Twitter, Meta, and Google are all now suppressing the JD Vance dossier. Given that the executives of these companies gave explicit assurances to a Rep. house committee that they would not do this, it's clear they'll only do this for Rep. candidates and not Dems. Phenomenal system we have here.

Reposted by Deb B

Accommodating Brexit. New post to open the 9th season of my Brexit & Beyond Blog looks at new evidence of Brexit damage, Lab's silence on it, old ideas about it, current attempts to accommodate it & how UK still hasn't accommodated itself to Brexit:

Reposted by Deb B

Prof Kevin Fong giving the most devastating and moving testimony to the Covid Inquiry of visiting hospital intensive care units at the height of the second wave in late Dec 2020. The unimaginable scale of death, the trauma, the loss of hope. Please watch this 2min clip.

Professor Kevin Fong testifying at the Covid Inquiry Module 3, Sept 2024
Professor Kevin Fong testifying at the Covid Inquiry Module 3, Sept 2024

YouTube video by Christina Pagel

Reposted by Deb B

Political accountability vs policy accountability How our system of politics and government is geared to avoid or evade accountability for policy New post by me At Substack:

Political accountability vs policy accountability
Political accountability vs policy accountability

How our system of politics and government is geared to avoid or evade accountability for policy

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Deb B
Building a safe space away from Twitter. Just here to like and repost. Pro EU, anti-Tory. Hate the Mail with a passion. Daily Express is just idiotic. Enjoyed Poor Things AND Barbie. So nerrrr.
111 followers347 following35 posts