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Die Laughing Magazine
Horror stories so funny they'll kill you. Online at EIC - and First issue coming October 2024.
119 followers25 following44 posts

Introducing the authors for Die Laughing Magazine, Issue 1. Next up: Joe Koch! “We Were All In Agreement” is about Craig! We are all very excited to introduce you to Craig, who (we all agree) needs more holes. You can read Joe's story when Issue 1 launches on October 15. #Horror#Comedy

White text on a black background at the top reads: "Die Laughing Magazine, issue 1, Joe Koch, 'We Were All in Agreement'"

At the bottom, the first line of the story: "We were all in agreement: Craig needed more holes."

In the center, a photograph of a pencil illustration of a smiling character on crutches, which is labeled "Joe" in a youthful scrawl.

Looking at the lineup of Issue 1 has us like this, and we hope you're ready too! Coming on October 15. #Horror#HorrorLit#Commedy#HorrorComedy

A meme of a Black man with a goatee in a yellow suit jacket. He is rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. The caption reads "me when I'm about to Die Laughing"
Reposted by Die Laughing Magazine

I made a baby ghost for the ghost bag I'm working on. She enjoys the feeling of phasing through dried beans. She also likes possessing acorns and plummeting to the ground.

Here's a photo of me holding my tiny fabric art ghost between two fingers. She is very small. She has black eyes and a little frown.
Here's a pic of the ghost peeking out of the pouch on her mother's belly. The pouch is embroidered with two orange flowers and various yellow stars.

Introducing the authors for Die Laughing Magazine, Issue 1. Next up: L.D. “SQUIRREL!!!” Blevins! In L.D’s story “Wrath of the Weresquirrel” we meet a country boy who is dreading the next full moon. You can read it when Issue 1 launches on October 15. #Horror#Comedy#HorrorComedy#ComingSoon

A black and white graphic, with text at top and bottom. In the center is a photo of a white fellow who looks rather surprised to see us. At the top, the text reads: "Die Laughing Magazine, Issue 1. L.D. “SQUIRREL!!!” Blevins. “Wrath of the Weresquirrel”" At the bottom, the following story excerpt: "It came to him then, vague flashes of horrible dreams, the tearing of flesh, the baying of dogs, the collecting of various nuts and acorns for winter."

Of course not! First, we have to finish editing, proofreading, cover layout, interior formatting, TAKE OVER THE WORLD... Die Laughing Magazine Issue 1 will be coming October 15th. World domination TBD. #Horror#Comedy#HorrorComedy#ComingSoon

Sean Bean as Boromir in Lord of the Rings, sternly telling the camera (in meme format) "One does not simply Die Laughing"



We're honored. 🤡🫀


Introducing the authors for Die Laughing Magazine, Issue 1. First up: C.J. “Killin’ Clowns” Subko! C.J.’s story “Clown Killer” is about…well, we don’t want to give it away, do we? You can read "Clown Killer" when Issue 1 launches on October 15.

on a black background, an author photo of C.J. Subko (looking radiant dressed as the Joker from Dark Knight). 
Text at top reads: 
"Die Laughing Magazine, Issue 1
C.J. "Killin' Clowns" Subko
"Clown Killer""

A quote from the story at the bottom, on a green background: "The first time was an accident. The clown, he rammed into my knife, officer."
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Die Laughing Magazine
Horror stories so funny they'll kill you. Online at EIC - and First issue coming October 2024.
119 followers25 following44 posts