...or maybe he is someone that is really sloppy and doesn't know what he's talking about, and like most game reviewers is stuck in an eternal 2000s when commedy was poking fun at anime and sonic fans I really loved his side-splitting commedy of spoiling plot heavy videogames


USA envia U$ 7,5 bilhões (mais de R$ 43 bilhões) para a Ucrânia usar contra a Rússia. Além de munição de longo alcance, drones, mísseis e bateria antiaérea... Tio Sam já "doou" 75,1 bilhões de dólares ao Zé na stand-up commedy mais cara da humanidade. A piada? Querem paz.


Looking at the lineup of Issue 1 has us like this, and we hope you're ready too! Coming on October 15. #Horror#HorrorLit#Commedy#HorrorComedy

A meme of a Black man with a goatee in a yellow suit jacket. He is rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. The caption reads "me when I'm about to Die Laughing"

peak commedy

A man almost steps on a banana peel and says "heh. almost slipped on that banana peel. Classic bit." The Banana peel rockets up and latches on to his face like a facehugger from the Alien franchise. His stomach expands traumatically and a banana erupts from his stomach in a shower of blood and entrails.

nixchecker und redneck idioten, die zudem noch weinerlich und feige sind. ausserdem dient bei southpark der humor ja immer einem "höheren zweck" - und meistens ist die pointe einer folge ja eine zutiefst vernünftige erkenntnis der jungs. aber eben, sowas funktioniert nur, wenn man commedy 3/x


It's a great commedy humiliating entire leadership in Kremlin. Hope they advance deeper and wider.👌


Man, "Magnum P.I." is such a fun show. Tom Selleck nails it in both action and commedy and even in the dramatic/traumatic moments. I love the many dualities of his chacter: military but shuns guns, tough guy but a big softie, ladies man with bad luck at finding "the one". Alao Magnum is a D&D nerd!


das ist also das, was man drüben auf elmos schiesshaufen "commedy" nennt?

The New Norm Show
The New Norm Show

“The South Park of 𝕏”


The most interesting comparison for me is that classical Athens left us philosophy, maths, drama, commedy, poetry, political intrigue and organisation. If Sparta had any of these aspects they have not come down to us. Pretty much all of western philosophy is an addendum to Aristotle.


museum visit, saints, sinners, pop art, popcorn, clothes, with or without, itchy or not, toothbrushes, broomsticks, the woman is a screen, i'm supposed to, strong or not, today or tomorrow, screens, screens and so on. pop it out, pop it out. I remember defend the city, i remember, out of commedy..