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Dreadnought Holiday
Snarky history. Hideous French battleships. Handcrafted nonsense.
3.1k followers177 following2.9k posts
Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

The tug Hero towing the sailing ship Pamir, 1947 by Max Dupain

a tug towing a sailing ship. The ship is under full sail.
a stormy sky looms
Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

Occasionally I remember coming across an area of Durham woodland with fading nuclear warning signs. Turns out the boffins had unwisely tried to map squirrel territories by feeding them radioactive nuts. The sixties was wild.


Occasionally I remember coming across an area of Durham woodland with fading nuclear warning signs. Turns out the boffins had unwisely tried to map squirrel territories by feeding them radioactive nuts. The sixties was wild.

Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

Barges are generally not very cool. However...

"Toady", a semi-wide beam barge on the  Thames and for sale for a fairly reasonable price, considering. The exterior is a mixture of various dazzling patterns and, honestly, if you need a screenreader please please find a friend to describe the interior to you. This is immense.

Barges are generally not very cool. However...

"Toady", a semi-wide beam barge on the  Thames and for sale for a fairly reasonable price, considering. The exterior is a mixture of various dazzling patterns and, honestly, if you need a screenreader please please find a friend to describe the interior to you. This is immense.
Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

Got that follow! Let’s all say nice things about the Kamchatka.

Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

Engineering is always more fun when nobody yet knows what a stupid idea looks like

The one and only - nobody was daft enough to build a second - Vickers 161. The engine and propeller - I shit you not - are in the MIDDLE of the fuselage. No, really. Thin tubes connect the tail unit to the rest of the plane around the outside of the prop's travel, or at least I hope they do. To cap it all off an enormous  COW gun is mounted at the front to fire upwards. Again, I'm not making this up - it's genuinely what it's called. Coventry Ordnance Works, you see. If you didn't know the actual reasoning behind it you'd assume it was the work of a violent lunatic. On reflection it still might be.
Reposted by Dreadnought Holiday

"Moist" has never been one of my favourite words, but it should never be the answer to "How do you like your Boeing Rudder Actuators":

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Dreadnought Holiday
Snarky history. Hideous French battleships. Handcrafted nonsense.
3.1k followers177 following2.9k posts