I can barely be arsed at this point. Profile to come? I just miss my people from the smoking, bird-shaped crater who didn't move over to Mastodon. elizarde/k2cuss2/EElliottKnits, in case you're wondering who the latest weirdo who followed you is.
75 followers86 following75 posts

Bought some locally-made chocolates as a birthday treat, and now David Bowie's disembodied eyes stare out at me when I open the drawer beside my knitting chair.

A purple chocolate box with an oval window in the top, sitting in a drawer. A pair of chocolates decorated to look like eyeballs--one blue, one green--stare out from the window of the box.

BC leaders debate tonight. 15 minutes in, and I've managed resist yelling at the tv so far, but it's been a close one. #CanadianPolitics


Came back from the States with enough heirloom beans, grits, cornmeal, and smoked sausage to last us at least a year. It's like I'm going to pack up my canoe and head deep into the bush or something. If you don't hear from me, know that at least I'm eating well.


Today in ridiculous road trip packing ideas: Shall I bring a teapot? I'm told there is an 'electric teapot' in the place I'm staying, which I'd assume a) means there's a kettle, and 2) they don't really know what I mean by 'teapot', so no, there isn't one.

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If anyone knows anyone looking to move to Chicago/Rogers Park Nov 1, I know someone who is moving and has a good apartment in a good spot. Parking may be available and pets are allowed.


Got a road trip to Oregon coming up, so I'm putting together orders of fancy-ass heirloom beans, grits, and Southern-style fine cornmeal for us to pick up at 's, as one does.

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I'm so damn happy for Penzey's. We give their spices out as holiday presents every year. From their most recent newsletter (Bill Penzey):

Penzey's newsletter snippet, from Mr. Penzey:
"The waves are coming from all across the right wing media board, but I especially appreciated the effort on today's Fox & Friends. One host called us "The meanest spice shop in America."
Another host said: "And they not only believe that privately, to your point, Will, they say it publicly." And went on to read from our website: "Going forward, we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we're done pretending the Republican Party's embrace of cruelty, racism, COVID lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are."
There you go. Friday starts like a normal day. Saturday the future President of the United States hugged our customers in our Pittsburgh store. Sunday the words I so wanted every Fox viewer to hear being read on Fox, by Fox straight to all their viewers. What a weekend."

Apparently I can't stop knitting octopodes on things. New pattern out today: Octopus Cowl, available on Ravelry There's a big discount if you buy the hat and mittens on Ravelry, too! You can find the links to those on the pattern page.

Octopus Cowl pattern by Elizabeth Elliott
Octopus Cowl pattern by Elizabeth Elliott

Soft, cozy, covered in octopuses: what more could you want in a cowl? Worked in the round using stranded colourwork, the Octopus Cowl lets you show your love for these fascinating creatures while keep...

I can barely be arsed at this point. Profile to come? I just miss my people from the smoking, bird-shaped crater who didn't move over to Mastodon. elizarde/k2cuss2/EElliottKnits, in case you're wondering who the latest weirdo who followed you is.
75 followers86 following75 posts