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Bo Yeon Kim
TV writer/producer (Sweet Tooth, Star Trek: Discovery and more!). Sometimes film (NDA 🤫). Trilingual TCK who drinks too much raktajino. 𝘴𝘩𝘦/𝘩𝘦𝘳
631 followers194 following315 posts

I forgot Korean books smell different.


Finished/beat Control tonight! I didn't love the combat system (the respawning enemies got frustrating/repetitive), but the game's beautiful art direction and terrific world building more than make up for the flaws. Can't wait for Control 2.


You guys didn't tell me I forgot October!!!


The Hollywood calendar from a working writer’s POV 🫠

Reposted by Bo Yeon Kim

Sept 22 is Hobbit Day, as it’s the shared birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. If Tolkien’s work has ever brought you courage, peace, or cheer, I encourage you to revisit it. “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” All art below is by Tolkien. 💙📚

'Bilbo comes to the Huts of the Raft-elves', July 1937, illustration by Tolkien. Rich, cool colors depict Bilbo floating down a river toward sunlight beneath towering trees.
'The Hall at Bag-End, Residence of B. Baggins Esquire, January 1937, ink sketch by Tolkien. Bilbo's cosy hobbit hole contains the trappings of a typical, well-to-do English household of the 1930s, except for its round door. Bilbo smokes a pipe in the foreground.
'The Forest of Lothlorien in Spring', early 1940s, illustration by Tolkien. The mallorn trees of Lothlórien retained their golden leaves throughout the winter. In spring as the new green leaves opened and the yellow flowers blossomed on the trees, the leaves fell to the ground in a golden carpet.
“Conversation with Smaug,” July 1937, by Tolkien. A richly coloured painting shows Smaug the dragon with his tail curled possessively around the treasure. Although Bilbo is invisible (indicated by the surrounding cloud), he is taking no chances and makes a deep bow to appease the dragon.

I'm back! Finally finally fiiiinally finished my strike spec script YOUR WORLD IS NOW TWO. It's still very much a first draft but I'm delighted it exists. I'm soooo ready to take the whole damn weekend off!




Gifted a couple of things off the list. Hope it helps!


[On social media hiatus until 9/12. Please yell at me if you see me online.]

Reposted by Bo Yeon Kim

anyone that tells you that to make art you need their technology (or method or blessing) to participate or "stay competitive" is scamming you and making you compete in something, but definitely not in artanyone that tells you that to make art you need their technology (or method or blessing) to participate or "stay competitive" is scamming you and making you compete in something, but definitely not in art

a richard linklater quote: "I don’t think of the arts as competitive at all, I really don’t. It was such a relief to get out of a world where it was that kind of base competition, zero-sum competition. The arts is… it’s personal. You’re just trying to actualize yourself and make the best art you can, and someone else’s victory isn’t your defeat, the way it is in sports."
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Bo Yeon Kim
TV writer/producer (Sweet Tooth, Star Trek: Discovery and more!). Sometimes film (NDA 🤫). Trilingual TCK who drinks too much raktajino. 𝘴𝘩𝘦/𝘩𝘦𝘳
631 followers194 following315 posts